October 31, 2007

Five Fast ones: Stephanie Levy

I thought it would be fun to ask each of our artists participating in the next exhibit a few quick questions: mini interview style. Over the next few days I will post them. To see more photos of the exhibit pop over to our flickr
Here's Stephanie Levy's five fast ones - Stephanie hails from Munich, Germany:
1. Your name and your business title if you have another name for your work
Stephanie Levy

2. What art do you find really exciting right now?
The last really inspiring art exhibition I visited was an amazing show of Amish quilts at the modern art museum in Munich. Gorgeous colors and textures, incredible craftsmanship, just beautiful.

3. What sort of day is a good art day for you?
A great art day for me would be to have a babysitter!!! and some uninterrupted time to sit in my studio, look out the window, think, create, drink tea, and listen to my favorite music.

4. Do you like working out of your normal medium? if so what do you play with?
I am planning a series of woodcut prints, a new medium for me. I can't wait to get started, just as soon as I get my babysitter lined up...

5. What are you listening to for music currently?
At the moment, I am listening to lots of jazz - Ernest Ranglin, Baden Powell, Grant Green, Miles Davis. I like the music and it helps the baby sleep, which means I have more time to make art :)

Five Fast ones by Edibeth Farrington

I thought it would be fun to ask each of our artists participating in the next exhibit a few quick questions: mini interview style. Over the next few days I will post them. To see more photos of the exhibit pop over to our flickr. Here are the results from New Hampshire's own:
Edibeth Farrington.

1. Your name and your business title if you have another name for your work
Edibeth Farrington

2. What art do you find really exciting right now?
One of my student's work just gets me all jazzed. He's incredibly good, quirky, and makes such great marks. LOVE IT!!!!

3. What sort of day is a good art day for you?
When the work comes with ease.

4. Do you like working out of your normal medium? if so what do you play with?
I really like printmaking ... love the thunk a great press makes and the anticipation.

5. What are you listening to for music currently?
Spoon, Shawn Colvin, Vega4 and on and on and on...

And yes, that is a clown nose on my nose:)

Mapping the Way: Unpacking

So many pieces to unpack today for installing the Mapping the Way show. A beautiful task!
More later after some meetings...

October 30, 2007

Trick or Treat

monster kitty monotype with ink on top! 6x6 inches
I like neither! bah hum bug! doom on halloween! OK there, I said it... I love autumn, I love October, pumpkin carving, pumpkin soup, pumpkin seeds, pie, muffins, cake! I even love pumpkin scented soap! but I do not like halloween in any form, spooky, horror, macabre, costumes, - hello -, holiday lights? who thought that was agood idea ... (ok, you can persuade me just a little... with a bit of chocolate!) I happily hand out over 400 pieces of candy each year and love to see the children, but otherwise it is a road show of a holiday for me. But I digress...here is my Illustration Friday offering for trick or treat.
I envision one of the 100s of witches which land on my door step each year to turn me into a black cat so I can sit in the window and watch the show go by.
Have to run, the doorbell is about to begin ringing....

From here and back again by sub-studio

Another beautiful work by Sub-Studio - an aquatint and hard ground etching which will appear in the new show opening Friday at our gallery. Hope to see you all there - it's worth the trip! Can't make it? Check on line soon for a preview of all the beautiful work which this exhibition is made from. Click the image to see the set at flickr which will be completed by the weekend of all the works!

October 29, 2007

BA0212 by Edibeth Farrington

Another GEM from our upcoming show: "Mapping the Way".
Here's a little game for you gentle readers....
If you can leave a comment below explaining the title of this piece correctly, you will win a little prize from artstream!
Put on your thinkin' caps!

Seekinglight 6 by Sub-Studio

Another lovely work in the next exhibition at artstream... opening on Friday night! By Sub-Studio of Brooklyn, NY
Click the image to go to flickr which has the entire set to browse ... see you there!

Pippa Caley New Bed Throws

Oh I love Pippa! Lok at these beautiful one offs that she has done. All hand dyed, screen printed and embroidered. I have a serious weak spot for Pippa. Beautiful colors and texture as always!They are rather dear, but good handmade one of a kinds are! 750 pounds each, contact Pippa at her website here for more details!

October 28, 2007

Pledge Handmade!

Why not? Make it this year with your own hands or buy handmade. There is not one reason not to! With the thousands of places to choose from - both online and bricks and mortar shops - you can make the holidays happy and not corporate! We took the pledge, join us!

October 27, 2007

Tsk tsk's new holiday cards!

tsktsk cards for the holidays in green and red... gumnut greetings!
One of my favorite Australian artists (and goodness knows there are more than a few...) is Teil of Tsktsk. (see sidebar) Here are a few of her lovely new holiday cards. I think her colorways and designs are so sweet. Shop right here.

October 26, 2007

Stephanie Levy caribbean kitchen

caribbeankitchen, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Another piece for the next show at artstreamstudios. This time by artist Stephanie Levy. Stephanie sent me her work early last summer and I was taken by her use of color. When I received the work however, it was of course as always a joy to unwrap and find the depth and texture which is always missing in photos! These pieces are just so lovely. The depth of this piece makes you want to go in and sit down and enjoy a butterhornchen with your Cafe Caribe!
More about Stephanie next week. Stop by next Friday night and see them for yourself!
(and meet the fabulous couple Anna and Sean from Sub-Studio!, yes they are coming up for the opening!)
More to come from the show.

October 25, 2007

Heather Smith Jones "Three"

three, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

One of the lovely pieces which are part of our next exhibition
"Mapping the Way". Soon to be found in the shop at artstreamstudios.com! The show opens on November 2, 2007 and we will open up the shop to buyers online that day. Preview the work there with daily additions until then!
Enjoy this beautiful autumn day...

Ashley G prints - new!

Hello lovely friends,
I am feeling better today and found these little items in my inbox from Ashley G. They are popping into the shop where they are already going fast... just in time for the autumn winds blowing through our streets whirling up the leaves to make temporary sculptures in motion!
Back later with a sneak peek of artwork from two of our artists from the next show.

October 24, 2007

my october porch

my october porch, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Sorry for the short post today, but I am under the weather. As green as the spout on my little orange watering can.
Back tomorrow with some Ashley G surprises, lovely work from the current and upcoming show and maybe something secret too!
Thanks for all that played PIF! Please send me your favorite color and mailing address a..s.a.p!

October 22, 2007

Pay it Forward - a little blogging game

OK we really really really didn't like the movie, (how COULD you Kevin Spacey!) but I like this game. Over at bohemian creations she was playing so, I joined in:
here's the rules:
"I will send a handmade gift to the first 3, no 5! people who leave a comment on my blog (and email me their addresses!) requesting to join this PIF exchange. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog."
So, from the studio above, a few gifts will flow, forward.

Darryl Berger "one time too many"

one time too many, originally uploaded by redhandedpictures.

This painting is just too good to pass up. Darryl posted it over on his flickr. It's 16x16 inches and part of his string series.
Lovin this work!

Mapping the Way

Mapping the Way, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

next show coming up ... a little invitation to let you know that the last show of the year will be focused on maps, mapping and something to guide you.
Beautiful work from a variety of artists working such diverse mediums as encaustic, intaglio, collage, mixed media and hand made paper. Click the image for more info!
More images to come!
Opening November 2, 2007

October 19, 2007

Amber Lavalley

Amber Lavalley self portrait #1 click for large view
I am pleased to introduce Amber Lavalley's artwork to you here today. Amber is one of our two interns who helps us here at the gallery. Her work was unveiled today and we will be featuring it in a show next year. Amber holds a BFA in painting from Montserrat college in Boston. The mixed media paintings you see here are just the tip of the iceberg - this emerging artist has a unique beautiful style and has exquisite handling of her media. Thoughts of masks and mark making are exhibited within her work, which is at times deeply personal, yet doesn't alienate the viewer.
I love her color choices and her sense of history and love of what has come before is ever present in each piece. Enjoy this sneak peek into Amber Lavalley's work, more to come.
Dollface by Amber Lavalley 24x24 inches click for large view

October 18, 2007

October 17, 2007

Megan Bogonovich ... part 2

numbers 4,5,6 unusual growth ... click for detailed image!
I have three new pets here at the studio. They followed me home last night. Unusual growths #4, 5, 6 from Megan Bogonovich. Each one has a little personality all their own, looking for an owner to take them home and give them a REAL name.
In the shop today. edit: psst: there is ONE more in there too. four little doggies!

October 16, 2007

Megan Bogonovich

Who, pray tell, doesn't need one of these? Megan Bogonovich has a sense of humor like no other. We have this manly bird right now ready to wing his way to your home, right here in the shop.
More lovelies from Megan soon!

October 15, 2007

Monkey Biz + Art Aids Art

creating new ideas for dolls in South Africa

some of the famous Bigger than Barbie dolls
So much is happening at artstream this next month. artstream is proud to be part of our new Art Stroll in downtown Rochester - it is held the first Friday of every month now, from 5-7 p.m.. We have an exciting new show opening on this stroll, November 2nd called "Mapping the Way". The next day we are hosting a charitable event, November 3rd, called Art Aids Art which is replacing our annual short film festival, filmstream. and if that were not enough, we have artwork from 8 of our artists being transported down to Market 100 in Portsmouth to be part of a "sampling show" for galleries in the area.That opens up the same day as the stroll so Mary Jo will be attending that while I stay at the gallery.

Whew! I am so happy about each and everyone of these events and really looking forward to the screening of the documentary film, which goes along with the Art Aids Art program. We felt so strongly about this film that we chose to push off filmstream one year. (hey, that gives you all more time to finish that film... right?)
The charming little dolls you see up there in the photos are all part of this amazing project.
Read more about it here... come and see the film "Bigger than Barbie" at artstream on the 3rd... and check out some of the amazing beadwork from Monkey Biz... all started by a couple of women wanting to make a difference. Monkey Biz proves the theory again that it doesn't take a crowd of people to change the world. Just one or two with a passion. Barbara Jackson and Shirley Fintz were just these two people.

Sarah Burns Beautiful Bead sculptures

These are the most stunning use of high fire clay which I have seen in a long time. We are thrilled to have Sarah's work in this exhibit. They are mounted on a cement stand and can be installed inside or out!

More photos at my flickr

October 13, 2007

Spicy vegetable wraps

spicy vegetable wraps, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

I have been so inspired by Corey's posts with recipes - endive tart! (yummm) and Kristina's artistic food posts over at designsponge that I thought I would share my latest concoction here with you.

Today we hosted a special cocktail reception for one of our special clients - The Monarch School of New England, and they took my bid for catering. I don't do this very often, but I have a soft spot for these folks.
Anyway, these little appetizers are simple to make and you can turn up the heat or not as you prefer ...(i say go HOT)

First, dice up one red bell pepper and one yellow bell pepper, into tiny pieces
Add to this mixture some minced, (i do mean fine...) fresh garlic and two or three twists of ground pepper. Set aside.

In a small bowl blend 1 pound of your favorite soft spreadable cheese or soy cheese with 2 ancho chiles minced, 2 tablespoons of green onion and a dash of Frank's Red Hot.
On a spinach flat bread spread your cheese all around the bread, thinly. Chop up three sugar snow pea pods and sprinkle over the cheese. Roll tightly. Use additional cheese to glue the thing shut.
Slice into a dozen little pieces and press one side into your pepper mixture.
Place on a nice tray ... repeat until it is all gone. It's not exact, but for me cooking is not an exact art.
That's it. Crunchy and smooth all in one.

October 12, 2007

Fenway and Friday

Fenway Park is legendary. There is no escaping this fact here in our gallery at the moment... fans and non fans alike have been coming in to view this lovely exhibition of Tom Glover's abstractions of the Fenway. It is filled with light and color and it is a joy to walk through the lush green fields hanging on our walls. If you are in the area and want to stop by, drop me a line! We are here most of the time anyway... which leads me to my little symbolic sculpture of the day by Jane Kaufmann right here:

The Juggler. Sort of sums up what this week has been here at chez artstream. Inlaws in from Germany, having a great time with classes and cooking, walking and biking in the lovely weather we have been enjoying, finishing up work for the upcoming show which I will hold off on until next week to talk about, and making sure that we have plenty of beer and wurst available for our dear guests! Oh je, oh je. It's a good life... see what one of my lovely adult student brought in on Wednesday night for us to view, paint and be inspired by? Lotus pods! Four kinds! and a big bonus a delicate lady slipper pod. Absolute beauty! See you on the other side of the weekend!
two of them up close and personal...

with vintage britannica books and organic onions from friend judith's garden

the skunk cabbage is an interesting shape...

October 10, 2007


"open" mixed media on arches watercolor paper

Open all night, ready and waiting just for you ... come on in! I imagine this to be an all night "yurt" in the middle of a storm, waiting for a weary traveler to come in, have a warm drink by the fire and a cozy bed with lots of down comforters.

My mixed media piece for illustration friday's prompt - Open. Go see many other illustrations of "open" over at Illustration Friday. Wanna vote for your favorite open piece? Visit the forums and pick your favorite five.

Here's how:
Log into the IF Forums (http://illustrationfriday.com/forum) or create a new account if you don't have one already (http://illustrationfriday.com/forum/register.php), then go to the Link Viewer (http://illustrationfriday.com/linkviewer.html) and scroll through the entries to find your favorites.

Heather Palmer, glass artist

I love glass and especially work that is inspired by nature. Yesterday Heather Palmer from San Fransisco dropped a note into my mailbox with these beautiful works and I am so thrilled to share them with you. She works in both functional and sculptural glass and each piece is not only unique but full of beauty.
Here is her statement:
I have found that my work almost always uses the repetition of a single element to achieve an overall gestalt. Never a forethought, I find myself making small things and putting them together to make something larger, something new. I am intrigued by this additive process of many small parts. Everything in our world is made up of parts. From the smallest thing, like an atom, to the human body, to the universe, these ‘wholes’ are made up of things smaller, and in turn smaller made up of smaller. These smaller things define the larger whole. This is also true of the more ethereal things like memory and emotion. Our lives and our identity are also compiled of smaller things, all making up our experience and our ideology. It is from this fascination and investigation into the the micro, into the small, into the parts, that I find inspiration.
We are in the process of getting some of this beautiful glass into artstream, so stay tuned to see it in the shop!

October 09, 2007

A friend of Nature

A friend of Nature, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Another adventure in Gocco... a new print. At my etsy shop.
I have printed her on some vintage papers as well. But she looks best to me on the card stock.

Senf again...

After a few inquring emails, I realized I had to show the bottom of these lovely glasses. Call me obsessive, silly or plain old boring, but as much as I love my fine glassware, I adore these little gems.
Note the photo is of our tablewares in bookcases. Yes, whilst my in-laws are here, we are mid stride in a MAJOR kitchen renovation. (think walls torn out no floor no cabinets and new electrics being installed by DH) Call me crazy, but it has to be done. Photos upon completion - for sure. We are so inspired by the lovely photos and posts over at design sponge - of homes we have seen and having purchased a home three short years ago, room by room we have been working hard to make our "cape cod on the outside home" into a "modern on the inside" home. Thanks Grace for all the inspiration!
It's slow going, although with the kitchen, I have insisted that it be finished by Thanksgiving.

October 08, 2007

Sarah Burns Orbs and Jars

larger orb camel and grey with dots

medium orb sand colored

split jar camel and gray colored

medium orb blue and gray colored

larger orb dotty rust colored

gray and rust colored orb with lines

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend with sunshine and family, good times and perhaps some creative outlet? We spent most of our weekend outside, picking apples, walking and driving through the perfect New Hampshire roadways filled with changing leaves warm weather and a two language conversation. Because of our travels I neglected the shop a bit so to answer some questions - the work is going in today! We made a new section with just new arrivals, so you can find them easily there first.
Sarah Burns work is always available in our shop under ceramics and when she is an exhibitor those works also go under the current exhibition too. Pop over to the shop for prices and sizes.
Cooling off here today, so time to pull out those woolies!