You could be a pirate!
October 30, 2009
What will you be?
You could be a pirate!
Happy Halloween!
OK, I will admit it, I am not a huge fan of Halloween. I know i know, I should be, it's so much fun, so creative! ... blah blah blah.
October 29, 2009
Bell'Invito Letterpress Studio
photo by Victoria Wall from Bell'Invito :: The Aquarius book plate
Oohh and ahhhh! This letterpress studio - Bell'Invito has some breathtaking work. When Anna contacted me about their Zodiac Collection for 2010 fashioned with Don Carney's antique woodblock inspired ink drawings a la letterpress, I was eager to learn more. Love Don Carney. Love this line!
These beautiful images are available in cards, both folded notes and gift cards, and a handsome desk calendar. But what really took me aback was the beautiful book plates and accompanying book marks. I love my books and am always on the search for something out of the ordinary in a book plate. These hit the mark and then some! Take a look at them more closely at their site Bellinvito.
October 28, 2009
Romy Kuhne
October 27, 2009
Community Mural :: Concord Arts Market
This is the sketch I did for the upcoming Halloween version of the Concord Arts Market. I painted it on a 7x8 foot piece of canvas this afternoon .. I didn't have a lot of time, just a lot of ideas and well, it's a guide for the community to go with!
The idea is based on a night garden, late autumn, with a little day of the dead thrown in there along with my imaginary marshmallow on a stick flowers. Hopefully, everyone will have fun in the painting process on Saturday and I will be sure to get lots of process photos and the final product too!
October 26, 2009
Autumn in full bloom
It's pretty, it's colorful and it's a pain actually to deal with as it likes to slowly strangle other bushes... but despite it's bad habits, we keep it!
Today we had a little frost outside which is very seasonal, with lots of leaves on the ground from the maples, and the birches. The oaks are hanging on dearly to their yellow foliage but I imagine this week, they too will be swept away from their branches. What color is it in your part of the world?
October 23, 2009
Friday Illustration Friday fun
October 21, 2009
A World Geography project
October 19, 2009
Mike Lewis Blue Bird Rock Prints!!!
rocking house finch! by mike lewis
Mike-Lewis-Blue-Bird-Rock-3437orig, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.
Mike was kind enough to drop off some fine looking prints of Blue Bird Rock and Rocking House Finch and so now, we are going to have them all available at the shop for a very affordable $20...and the originals are in the Dwellings show too!
Come and get em while the last!
October 16, 2009
Some new work of my own
Hello Friday! It's been a very busy week here at chez Schwake and I have been hiding in the studio to get some of my ideas finished this week. I have been having so much fun with these little ink drawings.
It's recycled wood from an woodsmith's shop, which are all lovely cedar wood. Each one is unique and different and will be in our shop and my etsy tomorrow by noon. Hope that all of your dreams came true this week, well at least ONE of them ... enjoy this brisk autumn day and think sweaters, scarves and lovely cozy blankets and fires!
October 14, 2009
Tim Wirth :: strawberries
Tim Wirth was part of our Deep South show and I grew to love his work the moment we opened the first crate. Above is one of my favorites-of-the-moment. See the whole basket full right here at his site.
October 13, 2009
Pippa Caley :: new lampshades!
I adore Pippa Caley's work and have written about it each time she sends me new fodder- but now - oh - now she has something which I just adore even more than her beautiful pillows and bespoke line of work. Lampshades! yes, her signature style is now adorning lamshades ... go have a look. So beautiful.
October 12, 2009
October is here ...
October 09, 2009
Dwellings :: the exhibition begins!
It's official and here are the details! Do stop by for a drink with us Saturday from 5-7 p.m. and meet all of our wonderful artists!
artstream gallery at 56 North Main Street in Rochester are pleased to welcome three diverse artists into their gallery for a two month exhibition entitled "Dwellings" exhibition opening on Saturday October 11 from 5-7 p.m
All of the painters have an illustrative background and this show is filled with a strong sense of individual graphic style. All of the artists will be attending the opening.
Amanda Woodward, a native of Edmonton, Alberta Canada and award winning illustrator will be flying in for the exhibition opening on Saturday October 11 from 5-7 p.m. Along with Amanda is her fellow Canadian, Melanie Ford Wilson of Toronto. Melanie's paintings along with her illustrative work has been included with such clients as Target, Loreal, Olay, Johnson & Johnson, Aveeno, the Four Seasons Restaurant, The Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology and the New York Restoration Project. Mike Lewis, a painter and illustrator from Portland, Oregon, now from Ashland. New Hampshire will round out the main gallery's group show with his whimsical paintings of birds, their environments and their love of headphones. His take on painting leans towards the whimsical illustrative with a great nod towards cartooning. Mike has been shown across the nation with his works in sell out shows at Blue Bottle in Seattle and has shown at Hive, L.A.
Alongside the show Dwellings we are introducing Zoe Pawlak's work. Zoe is a from B.C. Canada and her work has been celebrated all over North America. Where We Were and Are are emotive landscapes that are done from a mixture of memory and imagination that conjure up our sense of situating ourselves where we currently are based on where we have been and the physical and emotional landscapes we have traveled. Where we Were and Are considers the accumulation of places we have been and those experiences that commit us to the place we now are. We have three of her larger canvases on exhibit and are thrilled to welcome her to the gallery.
All the work is available online from October 6th and will be shipped at the end of the exhibition, November 29th but can be purchased right here in our shop!
October 08, 2009
Melanie Ford Wilson :: Dwellings
Melanie is simply one of the best illustrators I have ever met - her client list is long:Target, Loreal, Olay, Johnson & Johnson, Aveeno, the Four Seasons Restaurant, The Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology and the New York Restoration Project, among others. She is seriously cute to boot.
October 06, 2009
Did you hear? "Dwellings" upcoming new exhibit
Click through the Mike Lewis painting above to see a little preview of the show going up. It's very exciting on all levels! The work is all now in the shop as a show too so you can pop over and start shopping right away. And come to the exhibition opening on Saturday October 11 from 5-7 p.m for music, wine and nibbles as well as all of the artists will be on hand for rubbing shoulders with. Some wonderful wonderful people! See you there...
October 04, 2009
October 01, 2009
Stephanie Howard :: The Guns of Meeting Street
So much beautiful brown with poppytalk's brown day Thursday during Autumn Colour Week. I had to show Stephanie's drawing because it embodies brown and the paper color just sets the mood of the season. Is it their dress? the arch or those tracks going south? This lovely piece is for sale over at the shop too! Click over to poppytalk to see her picks for today's color: brown!