We want to spread the Love here at artstream. We wanted to curate a show about LOVE and give our proceeds to a charity we love and support the artists we love too! So won't you join us?
- We are looking for all artists from around the globe to participate!
- Student artists, professional artists, non traditional media artists, all showing us their idea of LOVE.
- The 2D work does not have to be framed, nor does it have to be in a heart shape. Just show us your artwork about LOVE! Paper arts encouraged!
- The work will be presented in our gallery from Feb. 1st through Feb. 28th and online in our gallery shop from February 10th through the end of the month too!
- Get the word out! Love is here to stay. We will have a gallery opening on February 10th complete with cocktails and chocolate goodies so please mark your calendars if you are nearby.
- Grab a badge here below and cut and paste it into your site to help spread the love!
lovely hearts code