December 30, 2008
Tom Glover works in sepia
tom glover doumo tower, sepia on paper
So simply beautiful are these ink sketches of Rome! NH artist, Tom Glover has created a huge collection of $200 original art works which ooze Rome, Italy. They simply transport you to warm streets filled with beautiful architecture. Check the shop for ones still available. All are matted in white deep mats. Simply bella.
December 24, 2008
Happy Holidays!
From me to you... wishing you all peace, love and wonderment in the New Year..
See you all next week!
December 22, 2008
lost bird found tote bags
So beautiful and just in time to start the new year without any plastic, paper or what have you! Organic and beautiful. Pomegranate pattern in marmalade color here or natural. Watch for their very cool new melamine plates to appear in the shop too!
Hope everyone is starting to wind down for the holidays now and enjoying the coziness of the season....
December 18, 2008
Liz Kalloch - beauty in the eQuinox
Liz Kalloch's vibrant wall of art!
one evening and song of revival
These lovely mixed media paintings are part of our eQuniox exhibition - all the way from (relatively) sunny San Fransisco. How nice to feel the warmth right now here in NH from these pieces. They are a riot of color and simply radiate from the walls. I will let the photos do the talking here. All in the shop and ready to ship out right away to you!
December 17, 2008
Ink sketches "Daphne"
More ink sketches... available in my etsy shop...
Most people in our area now have power restored, but it's been a really long haul and well, this little sketch shows on the outside, how many people have felt on the inside.
But stiff upper lip here in New England! No pouting!
December 15, 2008
Ice ice baby
Ice storm 2008. We lost power, it's now restored. So much damage everywhere. Some without power still! The gallery is all set and now so is our home. Bear with me for a day or so, more loveliness to come here. Just regrouping!
December 11, 2008
Roaming with Megan Bogonovich
same boat by megan bogonovich: my favorite
December 09, 2008
Felicity a new sketch from my inkwell
A new series of ink sketches on vintage German songbook pages. The lovely pages were given to me by dear angie of omondieu! this summer in Germany. They are all available at my etsy shop now. I have more on the drawing board to go up in the artstream shop too in a couple of days.
Nicole Lecht :: freshly blended
Nicole sent over her new work in one of my favorite subjects ... birds! And wow are they something's the scoop:
Land Birds by Nicole Lecht is a series of 4 prints. 2 prints are two color letterpressed at 8x10" and 2 are two color gocco prints at 6x8". All the prints are printed on eco-friendly papers. See more of these pretty birds at her flicker here and to purchase them they are over here at her etsy. Thanks Nicole!
December 06, 2008
2008 blogger's wish list at Design Sponge
This year's bloggers list/holiday gift guide is up again at design*sponge. It was fun last year picking and choosing what to give and get. This year was no different! Above are my choices. You should hop over to design*sponge for some wonderful lists and picks from some great bloggers! Thanks Grace!
December 05, 2008
Blogoversary Winners!
Ta dum da da dummmmmmm oops! a day late! Too much week this week!
Above is a shot of the baskets of loot, plus I am throwing in a few extra goodies for the surprise factor), which will round things out nicely! Thanks to ALL who left their sweet comments and helped celebrate the little milestone!
Announcing the three winners picked by the "randomizer number thingy" for the blogoversary giveaway:
package #1 goes to Alma Stoller
package #2 goes to Fiddlesticks and funnygirls
package #3 goes to The Camp
So there you have it - albeit a day late, forgive me! Send me your snail mail addresses please to susan[at]artstreamstudios[dot]come and I will be prompt in getting them out to you!
December 04, 2008
To Rome, To Roam
looking up to the front.... where are the sculptures?
by Tom Glover
Sarah Ahearn's lovely work
more Tom Glover
Liz Kollach's vibrant work...
Here are a few snapshots from the new exhibition at artstream: To Rome, To Roam featuring Tom Glover's new paintings and Megan Bogonovich's new sculptures. Tom has simply knocked himself out with beautiful renditions from abstracted views to colorful realistic streets in Rome as well as over 30 sepia watercolored sketch paintings of Rome. Megan's sculptures feature six brand new fresh from the studio works which evoke a sense of discovery or roaming (hence the theme, cough cough) within them. Come, see for yourself, at the opening of this fun exhibition and forget your cold New England worries of winter heating bills ... bask in the Roman sunshine and scramble up the mountain of shell like structures to find a little fantasy atop with us tomorrow night at the opening... 5-8 or so. Roam with us, if you will.
As if that were not enough, we also have two amazing women in the eQuinox gallery during this show - Sarah Ahearn Bellemere from Ithaca NY and Liz Kalloch from the San Fransico Bay area. Their mixed media works are as sunny as their own personalities - I met them both in person at Squam and was so pleased that they would appear in our gallery for this show. We have the full set of photos filling up at our flickr and by tomorrow night .. (or perhaps just a wee bit later) we will have the full show online in our shop for purchase. But for now, some shots of the installation in the gallery. More to come tomorrow too... and much earlier!
December 03, 2008
1000 posts and ... Rome, if you want to ...
partially done north window...tomorrow is another day...
1000 posts? I didn't even see it coming! How time does fly when you are having fun! Thank you all for your lovely feedback and support!
A new show up here at artstream, with loads of goodness from Tom Glover and Megan Bogonovich and Liz Kalloch and Sarah Ahearn.
Me? I have been: Workin'. Messing about. Dusting and pointing a lot. It's all good though as there is a real warmth of Roman sun glowing off the walls in here - a nice offset to the cold cold out-of-doors reality which winter has blown in this week.
Off to home now to recharge my batteries and sip some tea. Have a wonderful night/day in your part of the world! Tomorrow will bring loads of photos ... I am still sorting, messing about, working with them all.
p.s. don't forget to comment on the blogoversary post and win one of the three giveaways!
December 02, 2008
Melanie Ford Wilson :: a mushroom gatherer
A side path taken:: a walk in the woods with Melanie. Exploring the small ways - today I read her post here and realized that I really do love mushrooms. I mean in a passionate way. We used to go "mushrooming" as a family when I was small. I always loved being in the woods and finding them made me feel like it was Easter all over again. Melanie has brought these little wonders to a state of high art with her photographs. Go take a peek!