A new show went up last night here at the gallery. Three locally talented women - Amber Lavalley (our wonderful wonderful intern), Judith Heller Cassell, and Mary Bullock - plus our good buddy sculptor -Adam Pearson. We are thrilled to house such local talent and proud of the mix so stop by tonight if you are in our little city from nibbles and sips from 5-7 p.m. The show will also feature for the month eleven new monotypes by Edibeth Farrington. They are holding the Lovely Hearts place for February!
Hi Susan,
Just want to tell you how much I love your blog masthead. Great looking blog!
(now I have to link to it! :)
Just found you on IF. Nice work!
I would love to come up and see the show! Sigh ... some day I will.
Everyone loved all of the goodies I bought for Christmas from your shop. My aunt especially loved your painting.
Cheers for a Happy New Year!
Hi Susan,
I am a friend of Imelda Gozali's here in Singapore, am doing some printmaking my self but have no idea what a gocco is, could you please explain?? I have a website, www.artcanbefun.com that shows what i do..... llook forward to hearing from you...Mariann
Mariann Johansen-Ellis
ni mariann,
thanks for stopping by!
gocco is a form of screenprinting -
check out the website
and all your questions will be answered!
Hi susan,
Thanks for the gocco site, i 'll go and check it out.... just love all the different kinds of printmaking that there are.... let me know if you use some other methods that are not "common practice"..... have my own blog now at mariann-johansen-ellis.blogspot.com if you would like to take a look : ) All the best, Mariann
Hi Susan,
I have just posted my video, showing how an etching is made and printed, on my blogspot mariann-johansen-ellis.blogspot.com
Please check it out and great if you would let other printmakers out there know about it.
Thanks a lot...Mariann
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