January 04, 2008

100% map

a collage sketch done yesterday with a map of California.
Size is 30 inches by 20 inches. Click it to enlarge and find Fresno!
I did this one yesterday with my younger students - meet "Map man". Perhaps perfect for today's Illustration Friday prompt 100%...it was 100% fun to play with this!
Too late for Mapping the way, but perhaps it fits better with our next show Seen and Unseen. More on that before the opening!


HOLLi CONGER said...

Ooh! Very nice!

Vhrsti said...

Like this human map a lot!

Designing Fairy said...

what a clever idea!

The Love Collective said...

very interesting!

marcisenders said...

I love this!!! Great use of the map...its there but it really blends in well as the skin. Really interesting effect!!!

get zapped said...

What a fun and clever piece!

carla said...

This is just wonderful! I love seeing faces in "things," so this appeals to me 100% on that level, not to mention that it's a cool piece of art:>

olby said...

My favorite image so far. I love the way you've collaged the map, just one of those peices that really stands out.

claudine hellmuth said...

love this!!!

Jan said...

love, love, love!!

Anonymous said...

I adore mapman!!!

I am working on ideas for lovely hearts....I hope to have my entries to you soon.


heather smith jones said...

yes, mapman rocks

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

A really cool idea! Well done.