March 31, 2006

Illustration Friday: Spring

"Two red birds"
4"x 9"
ink and watercolor
on Arches #140lb. cold press
(click image for a better view)

I used to do a lot of little pen and ink drawings embellished with watercolor. I decided this year I would do that again on a regular weekly basis. Here is one of the first drawings I did this year. Hopeful for spring, even in January, I made this little illustration. It looks like spring to me!

The word for the day is ... revisit ... as in a book that you loved, a friendship needing rekindling, and a method you have set aside for a while.


Anonymous said...

u need background color. With all that gray u completely ose the feeling of spring. But i loe the little birds ! ;)

Anonymous said...

they're very cute and i like the flower too.

Erin M said...

I like the pose of the smaller bird but do agree that you need some sort of color wash as Spring connotates something more alive and colorful

Susan Schwake said...

ah the colorful background seekers...

thank you for your comments and critiques however! i love to hear them.

i did these in a number of sunshiny backgrounds too, but after great thought and critiques by my designer husband, we went with the white background.

springtime in NH looks more like the one we chose... and for me, brings out the elements of the birds... simplicity for spring.

check out my new work link...the poppies are all about color!

murphy girl said...

that flower is magnificent, and perfectly placed! (oh, and i live in upstate ny, so i agree with the white background!)

Cynthia F said...

so cute!! love your style!

AscenderRisesAbove said...

sweet little ittustration; I love the use of color and the white space. The creative use of white space gives it the clean appearance. A background would have detracted from what you wanted to show. Art is not about filling the page; sometimes it is about stopping at just the right time - which you did. i could see the illustration being used in stationary or edging pillow cases.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

of course that should have said "illustration"; not "ittustration". sheesh.......

Jaimie said...

this is a lovely painting. I like the simplicity. I live in NH too and agree spring can be somewhat grey.

Susan Schwake said...

Yes, art is not about filling the page!
People are so often afraid of the white space. For me, I am always afraid of when to stop! That is why I make so many works of the same thing to experiment.
And defer to my husband who is always a good eye! guessed it right too Ascender - they were created to be cards!

the musehouse said...

I love the little bits of color-tend to do it myself, so I guess I am biased. And after all, spring is often spent waiting for those little bits of color, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful little birds. :)

andrea said...

Here they are agian! I'm glad you posted these, Susan. They are truly delightful.

steve said...

Lovely! It kinda reminds me of "The Partridge Family" animation theme at the begining of the tv show.


Susan Schwake said...

Oh! Didn't you just totally dig that show? Must have been playing with my subconsious here...
thanks for all the kind words!

jas faulkner said...

This is so lovely!

mace said...

This is rawkin! It resonates of terrific illustrators in the late 60s ... it's a lovely illustration!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and simple, I agree it almost has a 60s quality, I really enjoy your style. And I have to disagree with the coloured background enthusiasts in this case. I was enjoying seeing exposed paper, the play of colour and texture is what is is all about!

Issi said...

I´m fascinated! greetings, Issi

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

Ah!! Ah!! Two little love birds happy as can be singing to each other and dreaming trees.

I will have to find a frame for that!!

madretz said...

tweet tweet!! Lovin the birdies. :)

angela said...

oh susan... these would be so perfect as greeting cards.

i reckon you need to do a whole series of these.

this reminds me of the quote...

"The littlest birds sing the prettiest songs..."


Anonymous said...

Your illustration's so lovely! Beautiful Colours, sweet design. I love it!

georg said...

I do like your small birds - the way the little one look at the big one is marvellous! With so few lines you tell a lot of emotions etc.
The blue flower too - simple lines, but beautiful. In Denmark we call some flowers "the blue flower of poem" - this indeed is a poem-flower.
At last - I agree with some of the other comments - more light would be nice - of course there is some rainy days at spring, but these birds need some light, some sunshine.
Thanks for viewing your great artwork.

Anonymous said...

I love that picture, it has a vividness captured that I just can't even put into words. I need to reconnect with some many things. I appreciate the nudge.

Anonymous said...

I love the color, contrast, and gentle, but whimsical spirit, of this piece. Bravo!

carla said...

Wonderful, sweet little birds! I love the simplicity of the composition - flat with a concentration on lyrical lines and pretty colors.

Nabeel said...

simple and great .. love the colors.

Weichuen You said...

The illo is simple but beautiful!

Lori Witzel said...

Sweeeet tweets!
(Ow, sorry, I couldn't help myself.)

Anyway, pardon while I join the luv pile-on. VERY cute and whimsical.

Anonymous said...

I love it! just the way it is. I think the background color is just fine. Love the birds and their colors ;)

elegraph said...

lovely illo. i really like the colors.

Suzan said...

Very nice. i love it.

Anonymous said...

It is so cute! I love your illo:)