"Knowing 2"
acrylic on birch
I found out about this colorful project through Jan over at be*mused. I like the idea of working with color as a springboard. I like the way you can use any medium for the project. I really like be*mused too, so go on over and take a peek. She has a lot to offer!
I finished this in March so it is my Red and Pink entry for the project but most of all, I used up all that was left over from my winter feelings here too. Yea! Spring has arrived!
it feels like shopping, walking along looking in the windows, ohing and ahing and the rush of excitment, as they say in french
"licking the windows"
I love the choice of colors gathered here!
I love it. It reminds me of department store displays of expensive lipsticks and nail lacquers.
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