April 03, 2008


shy, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Here is a collage in my new little solo show at the Black Bean Cafe in Rollinsford, NH.
Click through the photo for more photos of the show...
On the artstream front:
We are working hard to get the details done for our opening tomorrow night!
5 years flies when you are having fun! Photos and details to come!


Anonymous said...

SO pretty! I feel like these are going to sell like crazy!!!


Anonymous said...

gorgeous! i love the pear and the doily together. :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely! What medium did you complete the pear in?

Susan Schwake said...

thanks all! vanessa, this is a collage using vintage doilies and antique drawings from USDA catalogs from 1912.

Bibbi said...

Good luck with both shows! I really like the fruit collages.

Gretchen said...

I LOVING this one Susan!