"clover sproing!" ink/watercolor 5.5"x7.5"
This week was incredibly stressful in some ways. Luckily, I have a wonderful loving partner, patient children and a creative outlet. No great magic here, just some scribblings for IF.
"Phobia" This little bird is afraid of heights. Just like me. But he is over coming his fear just in time to be launched into the air.

waiting ink/watercolor/acrylic 5.5" x 7"
I worked a bit on four little original illustrations for fun. Here are the three I like. I am not crazy about the fourth, but if you want it sight unseen, sort of wundertuete, or grab-bag goodie sort of thing - feel free to email me with your mailing address and I will send it to you free - just so!
The other three are in our new Art under 30 category at the shop.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I intend to!

nesting collage 6"x7.5" on foamcore
The word for the day is ... reflect ... like a mirror, on yourself or taking just an extra moment to think it through...
I'm afraid of heights too.
Nice drawing.
love the girl, the colors and composition are wonderful, and love her linear hair! great contrast!
Beautiful work!
. . . .Love that nesting collage. Pat
Susan, these are so lovely. Sweet. Peaceful. Perfect for heading into the weekend.
nice drawing.. i like the color and technique.
very nice...such a soothing illo! great!
very pretty images!
I'm torn as to which I like best but I'll go with the first I think. Have you ever illustrated any kids' books?
Love the art under 30 idea. Must do some...
They are all so fresh and appealing. I love the white cloud in the second one and the first is just terrific all around.
Off to see what Art Under 30 is about. (Hoping is minutes; not age.)
These are all so wonderful! I think I like the third one best, but I'm always a sucker for texture. :)
Love that top illo. :-)
These are beautiful, I adore the top one!
Aw, I bet I'm too late to stake claim to your illustration. Wah! I bet it's lovely!!! And I love the little birdie. I had to overcome my fear of heights today (somewhat)...I made it to the 3rd step of a ladder! LOL
melba - i love to paint everything which is my style - sort of all over the place, but there is not one subject matter i like better. i have always drawn and painted these little illustrations since perhaps age 12 or so and they are close to me. i find myself working in series of small and large now more than illustrative and abstract - which has given me a lot of feedback (not always positive) from some of the galleries i show my work at. i really just paint whatever moves me at the moment and see where it takes me. one thing for sure - it isn't all good! but i am into the process ...
great painting..
Great work Susan. I love how simple yet how attractive the first one is.
the top one is my favourite, so sweet
These drawings are sweet, Susan.
simply perfect, love seems to pour through them! Your heart is evident, full of tenderness in these!!
I just found you at IF. I really like your style. Nice work!
Gorgeous illos... I love your birds...
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