So much happens in spring here. We all come alive again in New Hampshire and well the gallery does as well. Our 15th annual Student art exhibit at the local library complete with the unveiling of 22 new claymation movies, artwork from the adult classes and children's alike,

a new jewelry case for the gallery found via Molly, *hugs to you dear*,

new bud vases from Salamandra Glass,
end of the year paintboxes which have the best look ever to me,

trying a new process in our adult painting via a spark from Ullabenulla's post (photos of the

paintings come later as these photos were taken last night after phase one!
an unwrapping of the ever so cool shipment of BigHead Cats

from Bruce McKay for next week's ehxibition opening, (WOW), garden flowers in the vase on the counter, and one happy soon to be 12 little/big girl checking out her almost done bedroom!

The word for the day is ... push ... like the end of the school year, the revolving door and that cool Matchbox20 song.
It sounds fabulous! Show us, show us!!!
blogger was slogging along... sorry! here they are....
Woah Susan--this is great!!! What a wonderful thing to display kid and adult work at the gallery! Thanks for sharing these.
thanks Steve! I am a children's art advocate.. next summer, our children's library downtown will be celebrating the tenth anniversary of the children's art display I directed with 100 area children in 97. Ten years! where did that go? We are cooking up something special for that one! For two more days in our gallery we have the Emerging artist and their mentor's show. We do a juried process show each May for high school juniors and seniors and their teachers. I would have liked that experience as a child and so now that I can offer that, I do! It is a big hit each year and there is some amazing work. Gives the teachers a chance to shine too!
I love all of your photos! Your posts always have such variety. They truly capture your life and what you are about! I wish your gallery was closer; I'd love to attend one of your events!
I am backtracking here, finally being able to leave comments!
The paintboxes is my favorite photos, and the subtle softness of your daughter looking out her bedrom window!
Spring comes and those long winter days vanish in a blink of an eye...kinda like child birth pain when one holds their baby in the arms!
As always you inspire me with your colorful palette called life!
Your gallery is vast, and varied...that is the joy of a real artistic way, to show and give plenty
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