The wind blew hard against me and
I thought I heard a voice.
It said my name in whispered tones
and that I was their choice.
It took me by surprise that day when no one was around,
to hear with greatest clarity, the earth speak human sound.
I wondered if my ears were playing tricks on me?
Or my sanity or vanity,
Why was I their choice?
It whispered softly ... one more time:
"The children will have a voice"
My Poetry Thursday ... attempt #2
Very nice-it flows very smoothly.
"The children will have a voice"--what an important sentiment this is. Makes me want to ensure that the stories any children glean from me are positive ones...very profound.
Twice I tried to leave a comment here, and twice blogger had another idea! Susan I have been reading your blog faithfully everyday since I don't know how long, and visa versa...like you said I too was having "withdrawals" when I couldn't stop here and say hello!I hope this works today....
This poem holds that beauty; the power of the spirit, the voice as you say that we can sometimes hear, the sound in our soul and that which sets us straight on pur path. The song that is present for those who listen!
Aren't you lucky to be someone who hears the spirt and feels the earth move!
oh susan...
what a beautiful voice you have with your poetry.
it's beautiful, it truely is!
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