Fabulous Stationery by Trish Demasi
I found Trish's company while stumbling one day on the internet and was intrigued. Her designs were vast and fun and reminded me of the importance of a handwritten letter. Trish is a partner and creative director for Impax Marketing Group in Philadelphia who began as a graphic designer. With two other partners Fabulous Stationery was born starting with 5 designs. They now have over 300 which, Trish has created. She crafts and paints as well and likes to make most anything from handbags to pillows and jewelry to clothing and collecting vintage fabric and garments for later use. Sometime soon they are going to expand the line with home and fashion items in the same style as the note cards, so this will all come in handy! She oversees every personalized order, which by the way you can ha

The word for the day is ... communicate ... as in listen first, don't forget to write and keep in touch.
a lovely find susan...
Those notecards are wonderful!
Hey girlie, I was just reading your profile and I was pleasantly surprised to see that you worship at the alter of Dave (Sylvian) too. I LOVE him. Loved his amazing sounds since I was 12...that's a LOOOOOOONG time.
hallo chica! yes yes david sylvian is the coolest ever! i even did a collage to honor "red guitar" in the New Zeland Bakers Dozen challenge
-- his music is one of my all time favorites and it is sooooo cool that you like him too!
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