September 22, 2009

Kristina Gill :: eyecandy with goodness

If you missed my post about the fabulous Kristina Gill earlier this spring, you should definitely pay attention THIS time and visit her beautiful new site! Kristina is one heck of a photographer as well as a cook and foodie deluxe who can write circles around most and do it in several languages. When we first met, my German in-laws were amazed how well she spoke German, without accent, coming from Italy. Of course that made us chuckle as she is from the States - albeit living in Rome. But I digress. 
It's all about apples right now, isn't it, right here in New England and that brings me back to last year when Kristina asked for a special recipe for her column over at design sponge called In the Kitchen With. I sent her my Apple, Cheese and Onion tart recipe adapted from something I had years ago in the Lakes District in England in a tiny restaurant in Kendal called The Moon.  It has been a staple in the fall repertoire of menus ever since. 
Kristina took some beautiful shots of the recipe in stages which are the feature at her site. Go take a look and drool at them, then follow the recipe at the end and eat it up! It's always good. 

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