Kelly Barton was kind enough to answer a few probing questions to continue this week's blog fest of artist interviews! Kelly is participating in our Vision of Squam exhibit and is one peachy cheeky gal. Her work on display can be seen here, if you can't come in for the opening tomorrow! Read on to learn more about Kelly and then go off to visit her here or here or here!
1. What is your earliest memory of art making?
when i was really tiny, i would watch my mom draw out dr. seuss-esk blooms while talking on the phone. i dig dr. seuss.... and of course then i would try to replicate hers with my broken crayons from the old ice cream tub. i would get lost in daydreams just watching her hands move across the paper. i am a lefty, so i always would have pencil all over the side of my hand, but with crayons - it was even better, the side of my hand acted as a blending tool - an early life lesson in art technique!

2. What is your medium of choice?
acrylics and found papers and little objects. but i really dig encaustics and hope that i can soon find time to give those a whirl. i have also started making baubles. i love getting to use vintage pieces and make them new. but the best is a my little collaboration with liz lamoreux. my art prints with her hand stamped charms. so much fun!
3. What are your greatest inspirations for your work?
my nutty mind of course. growing up girl is enough inspiration for anyone. 5th grade alone could be a whole series!

4. What is playing in rotation these days while you are working?
if you are talking music....my ben harper, little dave matthews. just discovered paolo nutini and bernard fanning, ingrid michaelson, jonatha and a ton of old rock. i was meant to go to woodstock.

5. What is a good art making day look like for you?
Are you kidding? any day that i am productive is a good day. i would just dive in and allow my mind to go and love seeing what pieces were there when i was done.
6. Who are your favorite artists - living and dead.
I feel really connected to jesse reno. i really love jessica gonacha-swift, michelle maule and of course frida. i have a pretty eclectic eye and i am always finding new artists who really blow me away. and of course my squammies. the talent and goodness there, you have to dig that! i also have to say that early on, i found swirly, penelope
and mati and my two liz's - they have been so kind and helpful in my journey.
7. Greatest advice given to you which you would like to pass along?
aren't you are the brave one asking me for advice, but as an artist looking for her place - i would tell any artist who searching for their's - you are there, it is yours, embrace that - you own it. we tend to compare ourselves to what everyone else is doing - don't, that is wasted energy. and we all need our energy to move forward. so do that - it is a much prettier picture. [ i am still working on that!]
Thank you so much Kelly for kicking off the Vision of Squam interviews!
Yea, Kelly! :) And yea, Susan, too - so glad to have found your blog!
Thanks for stopping by Sarah!
This is such a great interview. Love a look into your mind, Kelly! Thanks, Susan. I just love hearing about everyone's paths and hear their words of wisdom. I learn from them everyday. See you at the opening.
Awesome Kelly! and great interview series Susan!
just love reading all these answers kelly. and can't wait to read more susan!
Thank you, Kelly, for including me in your interview! Yay!!
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