October 11, 2008

Kalevala :: tonight at artstream

Almost forgot to mention that we have an exciting - exotic - evening planned here tonight

The Poetry Society of NH celebrates the
The Finnish National epic
with poetry, music, Runeberg's tarts and other finnish pastries!
(some vodka and tea too!)
Begins at 6 p.m. right here at
56 North Main Street
Rochester, NH
Music by the Maine Kanteles playing Finnish Lapharps
(the national musical instrument of Finland)
The event is free and open to the public
Hope to see you here!


One Crabapple said...

ohh I wish I lived closer. This sounds Fantastic !

Susan Schwake said...

it was really magical!

Anna said...

that looks really lovely!

Anonymous said...

so love it over here...only wish I could drop by in person and take in this world you inhabit!

How much fun to do the show with Chloe!