July 25, 2008

Rainer paints, Rainer draws

But we never see it. We unearthed a few hundred drawings and sumi ink works from Rainer's past. This is the family favorite. We will embarrass him now with this post... but don't you just love this?


Pat said...

I am not surprised. Nor should Rainter be embarrassed. Very fine.

angela said...

oh god susan. how was this kept a secret?

i absolutely adore this!

at the last market i was at with elisabeth, i allowed myself a gift to the self. three pieces of card paper, written with sumi words. one represents passion. and one represents courage. and the other represents love.

maybe it was like a promise and a wish written silently for the self.

but damn, this is beautiful.

hello. gallery. and i say no more.

and how soon until you get here?

hurry up my dear...

loves to you!


Anonymous said...

It's beautiful, Rainer! Love it! We need to see more of these!

Anonymous said...

i love how the white feathers are simply blank.

Anonymous said...

Why oh why is Rainer embarrassed? He's GOOD!

One Crabapple said...

oh yesss. I do love it.

That bird...is beautiful.

Of course you would love it

It's very YOU with your bird motif.

M O R E Rainer Unearthed !

Art by Trina said...

It's beautiful! I want to see more :)

Luna Levy said...

isn't rainer talented! thanks for sharing this. where and when will you be in Germany? Have a great time and I'd love to see you if you are in Munich!