June 16, 2008

Bowersock Blue Banner

Bowersock Blue, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Bowersock Gallery down in Provincetown MA on Cape Cod is sportin' two of my new large scale banners. This is a shot they took of the blue one and posted it on their blog. They said they had been looking for some large art for outside their building and well,I guess I had what they wanted. It so nice to see them up and unfurled! Inside they have some of my originals and some tiny art pieces of mine amidst loads of lovely work from many artists on the coast of NH. Thanks Steve and Mike!


flossy-p said...

Oh wow! And look how well it goes with those cute awnings. Congratulations once again :)

Susan Schwake said...

nice you noticed that flossy... and thanks!