one of my tiny art pieces "at odds" available at my etsy shop
I am one of those people who don't really believe in "resolutions". I find them a sure fire recipe for disaster. Instead perhaps:
- Take stock now and again.
- Live each day fully.
- Make positive changes in yourself which you would like to see in others.
- Actually listen to others.
- Quit your agenda.
- Love deeply.
Mostly my point is this: Don't beat yourself up, love yourself for who you are and what you can do. Sure, a kick in the behind is always good, but don't be the first one in line to hurt yourself. Change comes best in a loving environment it seems. So love yourself, take care of yourself, and most of all, take time for yourself. Just do it. (Nike said it) and I have adapted it along with my extensive list making which I totally abandoned last year.
Yeah, it's a little controlling, but at my age, it's good to have it in writing.

Which is all the nudge I need to resolve to be a better person in '08. I think I might have to get some of these lovely papers to make my lists on this year. They are so much fun! From BoyGirl party at etsy right here. They are so cute I would just have to follow my list!
I totally agree with you about the resolution. They are a recipe for disaster. M asked me what mine are on the 1st and I told him that I do not make them because I do not keep them. :*) He just looked at me weirdly.
hee hee, you're so funny and right on track. :)
Thanks for stopping by to wish me a happy new year, and say such nice things about my work too.
I always enjoy your work and stopping by your blog, and would like to wish you a happy new year as well!
Love "at odds" and thanks for the link to Octopus to-dos & boygirl party.
I myself am a resolution junkie
Hey, I like your little art piece, Susan. We're on the same visual page this week although if you come over for a visit, don't READ my post (it's about resolutions)! I hope that you have a wonderful New Year full of creativity and inspiration, Susan.
PS - I've been thinking of ideas for your Lovely Hearts exhibition...yes, I'll be sending something in... :)
I like to make resolutions like "eat more m&ms" or "go to lots of movies". That way I know I'll keep them.
Love those birdies.
fabulous post susan, spot on
i especially like "don't be the first one in line to hurt yourself", what a great way of putting it.
i don't do resolutions either, i just try to learn a little from reflecting on the previous year and hope that i don't repeat any major errors in judgement.
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