I enjoyed making the really tiny (2x3 inches)watercolors based around "drudgery" and "chores" this past year, so I thought I would revisit them with some new 5x7 inch ones. Here's the first - Night Walking 2. In our neighborhood, so many people have pets and are out with them when the moon is up. I like to think it's a very social time, for both pet and owner. Of course when the temps dip down low as they are now, there is a small piece of drudgery added.
Where do you walk your dog? Who do you meet? Any interesting stories?
I miss walking my dogs.
I usually walk them around my block and because we have lots of stray living in our area I normally say hi to the stay dogs and chat them up.
They usually walk with my dogs and I until we reach home.
Awww I love it when you do these watercolors.. and the dogs are so cute. But dreary of course. ;-)
I don't have a dog, but walking them when the moon is up sounds relaxing, a chance to unwind and reflect. I like the blues in this painting, so peaceful.
When a piece of art becomes small enough, it takes on a certain authority, like a miniature world. And in this way I think small art can be a much more authoritative than large pieces, because the viewer finds oneself staring and wondering about what's in there. And then imagination takes over.
Also: don't talk to me about dogs; I have enough problems with kitty cats.
This is a lovely painting!
I'm getting dog soon, and plan to walk it in the evening after the kids have gone to bed to wind down! :O)
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