October 01, 2007

Happy October!

walkin', originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

We had such a wonderful weekend away enjoying the autumn weather and last bursts of warmth here in New Hampshire. I took this photo on Saturday while we were visiting daughter #1 at college this weekend. I just love shadow photos...
Looking towards a busy week here, with kitchen renovations underway (yea!) another Art Stroll on Friday here in Rochester, and my darling inlaws are flying in from Germany on Wednesday! We just can't wait to see them.
Around the web:New designspongeonline launches today at 10! Congrats to Grace!!
Poppytalk handmade is up and live now with loads of lovely artisan products.
Did you see my etsy shop?
We are now carrying Midori Jewelry from Hawaii... so so so beautiful!
Did you meet the lovely Yolanda? She is one of our showgirls...
Loving this bubblescrubber, makes life a little lighter.
I know and Whip-up knows that you have something to contribute - please do so here.

Getting excited about the next show at artstream... stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Oh yes...those long shadows of fall, beautiful!

What a LOT you have going on, and to share!!

will check them all out!

carla said...

The light has really changed - those afternoon shadows are coming much earlier! It was a splendid weekend here as well. Oh - I just love the two pairs of midori earrings I bought this summer... I wear them all the time!

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

I like this photo a lot. I tend to like closer, cropped views. I'd like to maybe use this for the basis of an illustration...do you mind? Let me know if it's ok.


hey, I didn't know you have an etsy shop. Good to know, susan!

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

You can see the illustration I based on your photo here...
