October 19, 2007

Amber Lavalley

Amber Lavalley self portrait #1 click for large view
I am pleased to introduce Amber Lavalley's artwork to you here today. Amber is one of our two interns who helps us here at the gallery. Her work was unveiled today and we will be featuring it in a show next year. Amber holds a BFA in painting from Montserrat college in Boston. The mixed media paintings you see here are just the tip of the iceberg - this emerging artist has a unique beautiful style and has exquisite handling of her media. Thoughts of masks and mark making are exhibited within her work, which is at times deeply personal, yet doesn't alienate the viewer.
I love her color choices and her sense of history and love of what has come before is ever present in each piece. Enjoy this sneak peek into Amber Lavalley's work, more to come.
Dollface by Amber Lavalley 24x24 inches click for large view


Anonymous said...

These are so very rich...

happy to be back and will go on to read all that I have missed!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous work !

Ulla said...

How lucky you are to have such talent so close! These are really wonderful!!!