May 21, 2007

Public Art

Beautiful Monday! Sunshine is finally dotting our landscape here in New Hampshire after what seemed like endless days of rain. Welcome sun! My posts will be shorter and maybe even just photos in the days to come as my plate runneth over with good stuff on my to do list... To name three:
Daughter Grace is graduating very soon from high school. I have two public art pieces which I am working on. One I have designed and will be making with a special group of children and adults for installation in a local hospital. It will be made out of baltic birch, heavy watercolor paper and inks and paint. The second will appear in an outside location a few blocks from our gallery. It will be a free standing sculpture! All I have at the moment to "share" is a rough digital sketch of the first piece. That should keep you wondering! I do promise detailed photos to follow.
Enjoy today - go see what all those interesting people in my sidebar are up to! >>>>>>
and get yourself outside too ... isn't this the best time of year?


Anonymous said...

yes, your plate is full!! after a few rainy days the sun is reappearing in luxembourg as well. the sketch looks really interesting and reminds me of raindrops, dancing sideways. look forward to seeing more of your sculpture and good luck with the gradution activities.

Anonymous said...

It is the BEST time of year!

Would you be interested in getting prospectus info from our Public Art Program??? How fun would that be if you were awarded one and came to install and visit!!!

Susan Schwake said...

thanks belinda! it is a rough sketch, rain, water, movement. it fits nicely with the room. will have photos mid summer of the install.

stephanie- i would LOVE to get a prospectus! bring it on! :-)
travel is up my alley!

carla said...

Ah yes... the sun is back and it's intoxicating! I love this piece... it looks like a school of raindrop fish to me. I like the shape it makes with the two spaces inside... how big will it be? Congratulations to Grace...onward!

Susan Schwake said...

thanks carla - it's 3 x 4 feet... the droplets are not fully realized yet... positionwise nor colorways, but it is my starting point!

Christelle said...

I’m blog-tagging you. I hope you don’t mind, but I picked my favorite blogs… so that’s you! For more info on what this means, and to play along visit my blog and read the most recent post.

Feltbug said...

I love the sound of the baltic birch - can't wait to see this piece - have fun :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Grace on her graduation from highschool! She must be so excited! Is she heading up North for university this Fall?
And congratulations to YOU on your TWO public art pieces! My, my, Susan, you are such a busy lady and artist!