woods on birch 14x20 inches
Tonight I have my own opening at another gallery entitled "Modern Folk" not far from us .... The Salmon Falls Village Gallery (she hasn't updated her site yet, but has directions there in case you wish to come!) in Rollinsford NH. It is a powerful small space with brilliant green and white walls. The exhibit is a three person show with me, Marshall Carbee, and David Lincoln. Most of my work is on wood, repurposed doors and include tiny works which I have made just for this I will take lots of photos - promise + post them tomorrow! I am excited to meet David Lincoln as his work is charming.
(I already know and admire Marshall!) Have a wonderful Friday, friends!
p.s. i will be adding more work to the shop over the weekend. keep checking...
Congratulations on the show! Hope it's a great success for you.
hey susan! just wanted to pop in & say happy friday!!!
Oooh... I am in love with this! The colors and the feeling of looking through layers of lush nature really touch me, and then there's the rabbit and the bird. Perfect:> It's gorgeous. Congratulations on your show!
I will definitely be there ... in spirit. Enjoy the fruits of your labours. You deserve this!
Congratulations, Susan! My, you ARE one busy artist these days! :)
Congrats Susan!
Hey, if you're available in July, I'd love to meet up. I'll be in Manchester at the CGOA conference. If we can swing it, I'd love to see the gallery and such.
ohh I LIKE it when Art Espirit showcases that Susan's Artwork....This wonderful Spring / Hide and Seek in the Garden pieces is so pretty.
Good luck at your opening tonight !
I know it will be a success !
Love, s.
I mean "Esprit"...I always do that !
oooh, it's beautiful, I adore those lush colours. Congratulations on the show, have fun!
Have a wonderful time at your opening and I hope your show is a great success!
this is beautiful and i hope it all went well. good luck with it!!!
thanks everyone! it was smashing!
Love the hiding bunny~!
congratulations and good luck with the show...the colours in this piece just sing!
Fantastic - I wish I was there to see your show - have a great time :)
not been reading blogs but today I'm determined to catch up. This piece is a delight, i love the texture and the subtlety. x
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