OK, As a gallery we are seriously committed to installations, we exhibit at least one a year at the gallery...so please do not take this seriously. My daughter posted it on her "myspace" and introduced it to me. That's what a mother gets for taking her children to see
Documenta 11.
This cartoonist makes me laugh. Go
here for more fun. ha!
So much fun! It's made my day.
:) You have a smartypants daughter, Susan!
indeed she is susanna. totally.
i think it is hilarious and spot on, sadly. i worked at an installation gallery in pittsburgh as an intern and i must say that it makes me feel like an old fuddy duddy (did i just use that word?) because most of it was just a pile of crap in my opinion. the artists got paid 30 grand for their installations and...silly. most of em were just silliness. people being able to just poop out whever the hell they wanted. it bummed me out that people that really are inspired and work hard get nothing and these people get 30 grand and a few assistants for crap. sigh. end rant.
well, like in all forms of art there is something for everyone. i view an installation the same way i view a painting or etching or single sculpture. either it moves me in some way or not... the work that is...
not the "statement" or explaination.
that is where the humor above comes in for me.
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