March 07, 2007

Livia Coloji

We have a new artist in our shop and gallery - Livia Coloji from Romania. She is a graphic designer and painter alike. Her work is tiny, lovely, full of fun and very affordable. They are all acrylic on small pieces of wood and many of the works run around the sides. Here is the group above and a couple of favs below. Look for them in our shop under Fine Art! Welcome aboard Livia!


Linda O'Neill said...

Really great colorful, whimsical paintings! They make me happy.

beadbabe49 said...

Unfortunately when I went to your online shop and fine art and clicked on her name, it said there were no products?

Susan Schwake said...

one of the works is up there now - others to follow a little later!

kstyle said...

Love these. so fun. k

Heather said...

These are so great! Very fun and full of imagination and life.

Anonymous said...

Oh those are really cool. For some reason they feel very "Italian" to me...maybe its just European.

Anonymous said...

aren't these fun!

Nicole Florian said...

Felicitari Livia, foarte frumoase lucrari!