March 02, 2007

Family Drawing Time

a squirrel was hidden in her elaborate hair - idea by grace, drawn by susan

simply a "hide" by grace

do you see the spider? he is hiding. by chloe

We are still trying to secure the publishing rights to rainer's breakfast drawing... another snow day here, so perhaps some playtime between a little work on this and a little of that.
Perhaps even a little more work over here too. In the meantime, go to Illustration Friday for more hide and seek.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Fun Illos! :-D Nice! :-D

Mary (Imagik)

Anonymous said...

Wow! So many posts to read - yippee! These are good takes on "hide", Susan.

Anonymous said...

hehe looks like you're making the best of snowy days. fun illos!

Unknown said...

i love 'hide' by grace. im glad to have found your journal and have visited your space before! i have also seen artstream in some recent blog posts and i am so excited to hear that lisa congdon will have work with you. wonderful!


Brine Blank said...

Really like the top drawing...great squirrel...

Anonymous said...

These are really wonderful! I love drawing with my daughter too...

studio lolo said...

Fun drawings Susan! Lots of great "hide" ideas :)

Heartful said...

I love the playfulness of these!! Wonderful.