sunday shadows in our back garden area
I am thrilled to announce that I will be a guest blogger at Slate's popular Bix Box blog - along with three amazing small business owners: David M. Buschner - owner of a home furnishings store located near the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Maryland, Derrick Daye, Managing Partner of the Brand Strategy Insider, and Andy Kruse, co-founder of Southwest Windpower. Great company to be in and it's exciting to be blogging about our small businesses! Our introductions should begin next week over there, so bookmark it and stop back, if you are interested in seeing a wild illustration of me or just some advice on small business issues, (yes, we artists are business people too!) which could prove helpful. A huge thank you to Grace from design sponge for pointing them in my direction!
Speaking of helpful... and design sponge, did everyone go and download the pdf's she supplied last week on small business? If not - go, get over there now!
Susan! congratulations! I can't wait to check in on this.
I love Design Sponge but didn't know about the small business pdf...will defininetly check this out!!
yay!! for you!
Congrats! Susan and good for you! And, btw, thanks for the links form design sponge. Well done.
those links are really great pat - hope to see you soon!
I did download the pdf, it is really helpful. Thanks for the link...Congrat's to you, I look forward to the reading.
congrats susan! can't wait to see the first piece :)
Oh a well deserved congrats hon!! That is so cool and you really deserve to be a part of that group. You and your business have brought art to a new level and to the masses.
Good job!!!
P.S I checked in first thing yesterday to find out the news but stupid blogger wouldnt let me comment.
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