four paris breakfast delights .11x14 inches click to enlarge!

erik boettcher does it again with this great piece! click to enlarge

encaustic paper and wood cut print sculpture by judith heller cassell click to enlarge!

"painting poetry" by andrea reid acrylic 16 x 16 inches $75 click to enlarge!
Last night was quite a late one as we hung the new show. The window is not done yet, but here are a few snippets of some of the pieces. It's not even quite 7 a.m. but there is a lot yet to do, so will leave the captions to fill you in for now as we have our glorious window left to do. I'll give you a few hints though -- yes , those are Carol from Paris Breakfasts watercolors, one of these pieces was made by a student and Marie Antoinette will have had nothing on us with our use of icing like effects for the front window... See something you like? Email me they are all for sale!
Congratulations on the new show, Susan! I especially like the encaustic piece. Very interesting work.
I just got my new computer so I'm about to catch up with your posts.
thanks for the sneak peak...can't wait to see the show! cheers!
How nice to see Carol's paintings framed and hanging in your gallery. I had the pleasure of meeting her in August when I was in NY.
I'd love to be close enough to see the show in person...someday!
fabulous pieces! have a great weekend susan!
Beautiful just beautiful! wow to see Carols work like that - how much are they??? Love the wood print piece too - very evocative. What is Corey showing???
Thanks Susan!
How nice to see my cluster visiting in New Hampshire.
Oh Carol's painting are like having tea and chocolate, delicious and inviting!!
I am glad you have her art in your gallery!
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