"Can I Have a hug? " Ashley G. 8.5 " x 11"

"Bella" Bruce Andrew McKay 12"x12"

"Balloo" Bruce Andrew McKay 12" x 12"
So here are three brilliant members of the animal kingdom as seen at artstream. As promised one of Kitty Genius - Ashley G's new prints, (the other one here) three whimsical cats: Balloo, Bella and Jimbo from BAM (aren't they adorable?) and a shark mobile way up at our ceiling by Ron Fountain.

Swimming with sharks Ron Fountain 36" x28" x36"
Bruce McKay was kind enough to send us these three 12x12 inch pieces mid show and I just had to show them here. They will be in the shop soon! Ron came in with the sharks to replace another mobile and we are thinking of a couple of lawyers who might need to come see this for their offices... we delivered another couple of Ron's pieces last night to the new HRCU bank opening at the local highschool. Rainer designed the interior of the bank and we got our first peek yesterday. Will show photos later as it is very exciting to see his design work come alive in a space! Ron's pieces will be hung on the new hip bright orange and green walls. Yes, it is not your father's credit union!

Jimbo Bruce Andrew McKay 12"x12"
The word for the day is ... mingle... as flavors in a marinade, old ideas with new, and a group of people at a gathering.
Cute kitties. The shark mobile is cool! I bet all the kids who visit the shop love it.
what great pieces to exhibit. your shop is a virtual zoo.
those cats are great.
Great Sharks,,,joe sockalot
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