Hello again... busy week here with children hopping off to camp, garden tending time and some days to kick back and enjoy the beach with family. Feels good to me and I can say my garden is a wee bit happier too! Today after the camp excursion, I had some painting time in the studio too. So nice. Will share later this week when they are done.

Besides being a full time artist for the past 20 years, I have been teaching art for the past 15 years in my own little school - first called Academy Artworks and for the past four years, artstream. I really love teaching art. On my own turf. In addition to this I have been fortunate enough to work with children and adults in artist in residence positions in many area private and public schools, libraries and community organizations. It has been very rewarding and I really enjoy seeing some of the children (and a few adults!) grow up and go to art school too! I have been Art Director for two major projects both at the Community Campus in Portsmouth and in Rochester at the Public Library. The links show a little bit about each process. What am I leading up to? I have decided to add a feature here at the blog, which shares methods and ideas which I have used over the past years to instruct both children and adults in fine art.
One Shiny Moment a week and they will be archived in my Books, Art and Images storehouse area. For now. Some are my own concoctions, others are modified from a variety of inspirations. I will do my best to remember who inspired what and share that too!
So we will start off with something simple. Something which you can do with your family, by yourself or a group. Hey, here is our new mahogany steps to our soon to be patio which dear Adam finished yesterday. No beer on the back steps has been sweeter. Thanks Adam!

Art Shoes
Get some old shoes. One will do. Clean them off properly and relace them (when finished painting) with flashy ribbons or cords, glitter trim or seam binding.
Whatever floats your boat and inspires your shoe!
Pull out some acrylic paint and small brushes. Redo masterpieces, get bold and create a wild graphic design, use your imagination and follow the shoes inherent pattern and style to create something new and yours alone. Let your inner child painter flow.

When the shoe is dry, coat it with a gloss acrylic medium to keep those colors bright.
Fill it with dirt and plant an annual, a small ivy or posie of your liking. The one I am showing here is four years old and stays in the garden all summer long.

It has housed impatients, marigolds and cockscomb... I have had over 200 students make these shoes *and boots!* and they are all different. This art project was inspired by a woman at a craft fair in Northern NH who planted flowers in discarded boots and shoes.
I hope you will enjoy trying this little Shiny Moment.
The word for the evening is ... Margarita ... as in one great cocktail.
Susan, this is an awesome idea! The arts council where I've been volunteering is always looking for new ideas, particularly now that school is out and the summer courses will be starting. I'll be trying out your lessons myself!
Oh this art shoe takes me back to art school years ago. I had this teacher who was bizarre for many reasons - but her fetish, as she would tell you, was shoes. That's all she ever talked about in relation to art, as well as life. We had to design a 3d FANTASY shoe. It was horrendous - dealing with her, etc! LOL Aw, the memories :)
Love your knew feature and the shoe art is a great thing to share with us ... thank you !!
what a neat idea for a shoe!! ehehhe
I will look doubly forward to your daily blog with this new addition, surely our inner child will have a field day with this activity!
Oh my god -- this is too cool. I wish I wasn't such a manic recycler because I haven't got any old shoes! Time to hit the Sally Ann and see what they have there.
As for me, it turns out that I still have two more events to attend then I'll be done on Thursday. Yippee! I'm so looking forward to a long weekend this upcoming weekend with absolutely nothing scheduled. I keep looking at my calendar since I can't believe it.
Looking forward to seeing your latest...
What a fun exercise, I bet there are lots of lonely shoes in 'shoe trees' at the sides of roads (do you have those down there?) that would love to be reincarnated this way! I look forward to more art teaching moments, fantastic idea. I've done a little bit of art teaching myself, and would love to be able to do what you do. Some of the moments I've had doing that have been the most rewarding of my career. Enjoy your Margarita... make it two!
Genius. I want one!
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