I had to post this via Davistudios find in Diana Fayt. Truly beautiful truly everything I like about pottery from the graphics to the forms and the colors. Her story is terrific too, make sure you click away to see this work from a talented potter. davistudio: Modern Table Art: Diana Fayt - Another Blogging Potter!
If you haven't seen Davistudio yet, on the way, you must! Tell Mary Ann I sent you.
Davistudio work is available at artstream as well!
Oh yes, by the way, the beach was so incredibly beautiful yesterday, I can not begin to explain it in mere words. BLISS!
The word for the day is ... yes ... as in Yoko Ono's early work, the right answer to many questions, and a band from the 60's ...
Hello Dear dear one!! Oh so nice to see your splash of color, your yes to life and the joy of being!
I have missed visiting you here!!
Hey Susan ! Yes- bliss describes yesterday's weather.
I visited your studio today and wrote about it on my blog.
I will definitely let you know when I come again !
These are pretty!
(just a quick stop by on my break at work....)
these are beautiful and I am bookmarking her site...these are so original and pretty.
I am not sure yet what word of the day means....even if it seems self explanitory I must investigate further to find out.
Beeauutiifullllll! Oh I love the colors, the form and shapes and I WANT want them!
thank you susan! so kind of you to say such nice things about my work.
These are absolutely amazing...It is what I'd picture myself doing on pottery, if I did do pottery which I don't but, really want to ! Just another thing on the list of things to do !
These are incredible! Hmmm...a birthday hint to the husband may be needed...
Oh goodness, here I was gone all weekend and this morning I found this link too, and now I see you have already posted about her! We must be on the same wave-lengh... Too funny...
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