Wheee! Whip up's last challenge is all about my favorite topic - color!
My project for the challenge was a dye fest of pima cotton and two skeins of cotton yarn. I have been dyeing textiles, threads and yarns for over 15 years now so one would think that I would have become a little better with creating something else from the end (the end for me!) product of yardage of colorful materials by now.
But the fun for me is my own final "product" - the six fat quarters I dyed. (Yes now there are five, read on, one is already gone!) Color abounds here! The lure of yards of white cotton, silk or wool baits me like nothing else. Ususally I dye the fabric and yarn then a skein goes to a friend or two, then the fat quarters or half yards to a quilter I admire. Often I sell them at the gallery. I focused on the fabric not the yarn here in photos as I have already given those away today. I wish i had snapped a shot of the pieces drying on the clothes line too, which with the wild wind today would have been fun. But you get the idea. The one piece (below) of the single fabric will stay with me. Maybe you will see it transform again here soon into something new. There are fairy wings and glowing bugs all part of the icy patterns formed in this one smallish piece of fabric. And it was just white 48 hours ago!

the one that won't get away...
In the past I have created one art quilt with the help of two dedicated, patient and amazing quilters great advise and help. It is almost done. I am planning more. (God help us! those friends are crying!) I sometimes use the colorful fabric to make handmade books or wall pieces. I have plans for some of this fabric which I worked on over the weekend. One piece has already gone to Susann Foster Brown for inspiration - my hot red, orange and deep yellow - to warm her ideas with the fire colors or fall colors as she sees fit!

midprocess in their warming bags ... fabric and yarn together ...

the "wild one" in purple, magenta and turquoise
The word for the day is ... divide ... as in divide and conquer the work, the fabric into dyebath colors and a pan of scones for four with clotted cream and strawberry jam!

a closeup of the lilac to ecru ice patterns
WOooo ... pretty!
Hi susan!! Did you float away with all the rain? :)
I LOVE the dye colors!! AHHHHH!! Such wonderful colors! the blue one in the middle is my favorite.. it looks like the universe trapped in fabric. LOVE!
:) abbie
Marblized color! Thanks for all teh images , ilike the last one best!
Susan these are stunning! I really love the last one, what an artpiece. They are frameable... did you use procion dyes? And how did they go in the bags? tied up or just loose with the yarn? do you teach classes in this??? Thanks for all your sweet and caring comments on my blog. I really appreciate them!!! Best to you and yours...
I found your blog through Ulla and Corey M. What wonderful photos and artwork within! I will surely keep visiting.
Thanks for your comments about my dolls, I am posting past work in part due to you! I will try to get my textile pieces up soon too. You are such an inspiration for me, god i hope we can meet soon!!!
Just wanted to let you know that you are officially my number 1000 comment! Wow!!! Glad it was you! Hugs...
These are Fantabulous! So rich with color and so wickedly alive!! The movement and dance between the hues is exquisite! Well done!
I think I could do with a tutorial on how to dye this well - any you could point me to please?
Dharma Trading is an online company which has loads of free tutorials on dye works.
I sort of developed this methods from reading their pages as well as reading the book Dye Painting. That has loads of great info! Amazon carries it. Or stop by this summer at artstream for a class! Come Play!
Oh how fun!! The fabrics are just wonderful! Just bursting with colorful energy!!
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