Steadfast oil 18"x 38" 2001
This is a painting I did a few years back but remains one of my favorites. The image is abstract for sure, but reminds me of the old tale of the Steadfast Tin Soldier. I couldn't sell it ... I had to keep this painting, as it has always been one of my favorites. There is other imagery in this painting but I will keep it to myself as it spoils the view! (I have been told that more than once) Do you see it?
On the wild local weather front, it is still raining, it is as grey as a field mouse and there is no let up in sight. Thankfully, we are still dry at home, but I have to take a trip down to the gallery to check on things and take a look at that roaring water of the Cocheco River behind us. The local schools are being used as shelters for the evacuees, so again today there is no school! We will all have a creative and active day at home today and I will have plenty of time to paint... (and they gym is still open!) Here's hoping the sun will shine tomorrow for us!
The word for the day is ... dry ... as a desert, a fine white Riesling, and my favorite kind of humor!
I love it too and I wouldn't sell anything that meant that much to me either.
I see several ambiguous images that blend and shift into each other. I see a woman who may be a ghost or memory. I see the remains of a burnt wood, with the fire still burning the nearest tree. Various other faces pop out at me (but then I've become rather adept at seeing such faces... I see an angel with wings outstretched or it it an eagle...
I love the lumionsity you have in this. And I also love images that get me seeing things.
Now this is something I'd love to see full size. Such wonderfully intuitive work.
While you're being washed away in the east we're having unseasonably warm weather here in the usually moderate Pacific northwest. Up to 30F today which is about 85F.
I'm thinking of you and hoping you stay dry!! It isn't too bad here in RI but everyone is just tired of the rain.
If you did an abstract now about the same image, how do you think it would change?
I love looking back at past work and seeing the progression but also re-visiting old themes.
Wishing you dryness but more the reisling kind than the desert kind.. It's all about balance which lately the weather doesn't seem to have.
ok, i will tell now...
in the back the negative space reminded me of the hostage images of the jimmy carter era ... with the solider image in the front.
i used to work much more figuratively so it always spilled into my paintings, abstractions or not.
it. has. stopped. raining!
...for now!
We've been seeing the wild weather in your area on the news, glad to hear that your house and the gallery are dry! At least you're making the most of it! We have rain in Toronto, but it's just making commuting really slow ... can you eat cheesecake while driving?
lady k, i should try that again... i just revisted my old little birds, am in the throes of them still!
should do some of the old abstracts again.
baa ... cheese cake is good anywhere!
You are such a woman, steadfast and strong solider, braving out the storm with a song for us each day! i am glad the storm has pass and your gallery is okay!
Awesome painting! Perfect title. I know I am late in posting so glad to hear the water is letting up.
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