Something silk and linen and foil ... comes our way ... Feast your eyes on this London based textile artist's work. Stunning and inspired! Pippa works from 401 and a half studios there producing a collection of textiles for home and fashion. The pieces are one of a kind, which of course is why I am showing them to you here. Sorry, Target won't be carrying these. Thank goodness!

Sometimes you need something made just for you by the hands of an artist which only you will have and hold. To me that is a very special thing. Please go visit
Pippa's site and see for yourself what a lovely collection of work she has to offer. It is inspiring!
The word for the day is
decide ... as in which new pillow to buy, to do something about it finally and to get that project off the ground!
photos by Pippa Caley
I love the pillows. I am a big fan of them but the BF dont like them so much. So I have to limit myself. Ehehehe...They are so pretty
don't you JUST love that chair? yes yes me too! and thank you ... i try and pass along lovlies which pass by my desktop! i inquired about selling these or at least buying them for myself - but with shipping and the british pound vs. dollar it would be prohibitive. but they are worth every shilling/cent!
my o my i love her work!
feli - oh dear oh dear mr. BF! they are soft and cuddly for your head! tee hee.
I want the wall hanging! (more vertical art) but wouldn't turn up my nose at a funky cushion or two. Cool stuff.
oh susan...
these are gorgeous. stunning.
very much evoking the "i want" syndrome within!!!
Oh my goodness these are dreamy! Love the mystery of that top photo, and those pillows are just to die for - such lushiousness.
I'll take everything please! Oh my!
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