Jennifer Lynn White, Rochester's Poet Laureate is also a knit-wit. Knitting whiz I should clarify! Here are three of her nesting bowls we have at the gallery. Hand knit, felted and worked with needle too. I love these fuzzy little bowls. The set is $100 and are beautiful seperately or together in any setting. Most anything would look cozy inside. She also makes lovely handbags in this same method. All of her items will preview in our online store later this week! What things do you like to felt or knit?
The word for the day is ... reduce ... as in your dress size, your daily goals, and a lovely port wine sauce you simmer for your dinner!
These are great! I am so happy to see felted bowls so sale. They are really fun to make!
wow, those are cool ~ wish they were in my budget! alas. they make me want to snuggle my feet into them. I think I'd put special treasures I'd want to keep warm inside of them. Does she make slippers too? :)
In Morocco they make the most beautiful purses out of wool like this, all types of shapes and sizes...BUT bowls, how clever!!
These are fun, I love the 'hairs' and the polka dots!
What beautiful bowls!
Those are beautiful bowls. I feel bowls are very powerful symbols of abundance and female power and those are just buzzing with both...
How do you come up with your word of the day? The words are always strangely appropriate to what I am feeling...
when i am writing my post, i think of a word randomly. put my brain on random mix. which if ... you read my blog, you can tell it is always on random mix! tee hee. anyway, i have this thing about threes i guess too as there are always three references to the word.
sometimes it relates deeply to what is going on in my life and others ... not so deeply!
that is about it and thank you for reading them!
felted *bowls*, what a fab idea... I love bowls, planters, any kind of 'vessel' really... I bet these would be friends with my felted bag if I could afford them!
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