One more new work in a series of three ... mixed media, acrylic, oil, transfer, graphite 6" by 6 " by 2.5 "
Birds have flown back into my life. This time in a bird dreaming of giant food.
The word for the day is ... concentrate ... on one thing at a time, delivering the goods and lemon juice!
What yummy earthy healthy colors! Birds and beans - good things to concentrate on today!
Susan you humble me - a show for me? WOW, I will really need to get out into the studio to produce some more... Many of the pieces I have shown are not in my hands any more - but I would truly be honored!
2.5" deep? Wow. Would love to see an oblique angle shot. This has a lot of chracater in the texture and those red beans! I want a whole wall of them!
Fresh lemonade is better than concentrated!
I have an idea? Promise first...
Okay promise, to show only your art work for the next month on your blog, okay!! I am enjoying YOU!!
andrea: me too. i could only really afford one shot of them each. i had thirty workds...
which leads me to...
corey: yes, maybe, ok, but with some others thrown in?
thank you all for kindness!
Love your painting.....
Love this!
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