First, here is a work of my own to show which I have been working on and am almost finished for an exhibit this summer ... yeah, it is different. It is 12" by 36" and a collage piece with a lot of paint which is hard to capture here. It is part of my dream garden series which I am slowly pulling together. This is called "Twilight in the Dreamgarden"
Second there are too many good things which I found in the art, design and illustration world to show and tell you, so am linking them here for you to go surf on your own - trust me they are worth the trip. Bring your most sturdy bathing suit - you are in for a huge ride! It is my extra long day (for a short person I get "extra long" in my days - even if I don't in my inseam!) so hopefully you will have fun all day long too! These are in no particular order, as I am messy by nature and have less than zero interest in making them into a neat o beat o bundle of what is best first order. Go now, shoo! enjoy it and tell me what is YOUR favorite?
1. Very cool textile and fun design for children at home at Nume. Italians just ALWAYS get it right don't they? ahem, Fiat the exception there....
2. Very very very chic clothing... Edun, ok yes, Italian again. But I would actually wear these clothes if I could afford them! *inseam shortened of course*
3. I want a TUMBLY! These Dutch folks go for bold and fun ... remember that cool hot tub I posted in February? Well, these are for apres tub with bouncy friends and drinks with LIDS!
4. What is it about artichokes and their lovely shape? This one will light up your life - by Louis Poulsen.
5. More beautiful clothing! Zero Maria Cornejo - closer to home (just a quicky 5 hour mad dash to the city!) will bring you to clothing made with such a unique style that you will be the only one at the party with one of these jackets! ooooh la la!
6. Someone I met online today and bought one of her beautiful originals before someone ELSE snapped them up - interview to follow in a few days - negotiating some of her work for an exhibit soon - meet Ashely Goldberg ... I found Ashley via Bird in the Hand (a great blog and chockerblock full of crafty goodness and art AND Lisa Congdon is a writer for one of my favorite daily reads, Whip-Up!) Please don't tell me you have not gone to Whipup yet. ...
7. Have you seen Andrea's small art yet? Get over there now, please! It is miniature wonders all for fabu prices which you just can NOT say no to. More appear seemingly each week.
8. What about the garden? Tis time to pay homage to that special place we lovingly prepare and nurture which feeds us body and soul in the summer and fall - and later for you warmer climate readers, darn you all .... these blooms are so stunning and sensuous. Smith and Hawken has always worked for me when I need something my local lovely garden store doesn't have.
9. What about blooms for your fingers? omondieu! you say? Say no more! Yes, we have them in stock at artstream fresh and ready to be picked by you! They don't need watering and they are very very hardy with even the worst hand abuser (the acid test has been run by yours truly) Check out Angela Gwinner's lovely line of blooms for your fingers, hair and to pin on your lapel here at omondieu!
10. Queen Oscar cards and Penhollow Press make lovely handmade cards, letterpress cards and other paper delights for the gentle form of correspondence. Back when Anna Birch started her business I carried her cards in my little studio/shop in what we lovingly refer to (correct me if I am wrong Ms. White?) the "East Village of Rochester". *ahem* (do I detect soft tittering amongst you folks in the know?) Anna B and Queen Oscar cards has gone so very very very far in these past ten years that now you can even buy them at The South Pole in Antarctica! But do drop in to artstream if you are up North in our area, we have a great selection of Queen Oscar and Penhollow at the moment.
Major Bonus: Finally. An album you can actually get behind heart and soul. Neil Young, Living with War. Get it today at iTunes, Napster, SonyConnect or better yet, your local music shop. Check out his interview at the blog too. Best damn speaker I have heard in a LONG time.
Oh there is much more, but more than enough for today. Are you still listening? Or did you fall asleep ....
The word for the day is ... enthusiasm ... as in ... when God said "Who wants enthusiasm?" I distinctly heard "Who wants chocolate?" and shouted "I do! I do! and keep it coming!"
Okay, okay...your enthusiasm was completely contagious and I actually followed your trail of links like an obedient little reader. I loved the Edun clothing...and Andrea's small art...the omondieu blooms were so sweet...but, I have to admit that the real-live flowers from Smith and Hawken are where my mind is today. Now, I'm going outside to pay homage to my rather neglected backyard. Thank you for this post--I loved it.
lOVe YOur nEw ArT PiEcE !!!!!!!!!! I say this with much enthusiasm of course ! :) The series idea sounds divine.I adore all the colors you've put into these works ! Best wishes !
Too much, Susan! I must come back and browse your great links when I have more time! I love the painting: the patterning and use of colour are fantastic. I can see it hanging in one of those house spaces that don't fit a traditional sized canvas. Funny -- I have also started a 36" x 12" in vertical format, too! I have the underspainting down but have changed my mind 3 times about what I'm going to paint there. There just aren't enough hours in a day! I could chat all day but have to get my kids to school. Thank you so much for the plug, too, and I was just thinking yesterday how much I want to hear the new NY album. I'd better go or else I'll never shut up...! :)
Oh my gosh, incredible links, and I don't have time right now to browse... will need to return in the wee hours! Love your painting, so colorful and full of energy...
Your painting is lovely, the colors and the unusual shape, I would come again and again to your blog just to see it. I am spellbound ...did someone say great links? I'm too happy admiring your painting to go way.
Wonderful, colorful painting. I really like all the aspects of the mixed-media here.
I love that you encourage and share other people's creativity (great list) but also a little shout out for your new painting - it's fabulous! I'll check out some more links, I love a good field trip... right now I'm digging Andrea's small art and Ashley's work, especially "laundry - never!"
Oh I have to come back here again to check out all your links!
I love your work, and that "dreamgarden" title sure makes me want to see more of it. I bet they are just as beautiful as they sound.
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