OK, the Herr and I travel to Vienna for my birthday ... we saw beautiful outdoor opera, iron gates as art, architectural details which challenge wild icing on wedding cakes, Hundertwasser house, Klimt and Schiele and Franz Marc. We ride the street cars and drink May wine in Grinzing.. We miss Hubert Von Goisern in concert by a day ... We search for the famous Weiner Schnitzel... but find ... OH NO! ... Taste of America ... instead! (it is in the background to the left - it was closed for good and according to the note on the window, the owner had moved to NYC!) April fool in August to us!
taste of america !! How funny! I like seeing you and seeing your husband too, I can image right after this shot you started giggling, and kissed Herr!
I would love to eat one of the Vegetarian dishes at the Hundertwasser House ! Looks beautiful and so very peaceful.
oh sheri, we didn't eat there. in fact, we truly walked and walked to find the real schnitzle, but never did. So we ate at this amazingly inexpensive (as always) place which suited me fine called Vegetasia. vegetarian everything.
hundertwasser is wild in design with a peaceful way of life.
Lovely and sweet -- Romance is in the air, despite being fooled...
Susan, you have not found a Wiener Schnitzel? Ho terrible!
And you have drunk Maibowle with your Herr? Your German husband?
oh susan... can you believe, of all the places i haven't been to in europe, that would be vienna?
and i'm eager to go.
poor you and rainer... no wiener schnitzel for you. but at least you got to see the hundertwasser house. did you make it to the museumquartier as well?
the two of you look so wonderfully perfect together.
and the next time you come, we'll have to do a little roadtrip again as well... maybe to basel and the
beyeler foundation?
i have heard, that in the room where the placed monet's nymphéas all solitary on it's own, is absolutely spectacular... and the water outside on a sunny day, actually reflects it's ripples onto the painting thru the window...
shall we go?
and of course, we'll take the two german herren with us as well!
It's always fun for me to find a mention of Hubert in English! Sorry to hear you were a day late for a concert, maybe he'll be back on stage next year. :-)
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