unusual growth sculptures by Megan Bogonovich
babydoll heads sculpturesIt's so nice when someone so talented and so nice arrives in your voice mail via an old friend...
Joe Blajda, a good friend from the "wayback machine" in college called me to tell me about a massive talent fairly new to the area - Megan Bogonovich. Well, it is a small world after all... I had already seen a peek at her work via Ms. Ashley G. 's
blog and thought well, I have to look her up some day. Joey helped that along and I thank him ever so much for that!
curious route porcelain sculptureMegan came around with her work and I almost fell out of my chair when she started unpacking these sculptures. They are modern and curious as well as beautifully executed. And that is just the beginning.
pink vine pattern platters $225 each 20 by 12 by 3 inchesHer other wares are all done in
majolica form and are some of the most incredible work I have seen to date in that medium. Her patterns are organic and out of this worldly with quippy little quotes- such as "Megan knows your type" on her cups along with her signature.
two cups with quotes - behind is a backside of a platter
$28 each
Both types of her work are being introduced in this show and will continue to be unveiled in months to come. We have already sold some of these "unusual growth" dog sculptures and it is just a matter of time before the other pieces begin to fly off to new homes. Stop in if you can to see them, or give us a call if you would like a closer look of any one piece. Most of the work will be online over the weekend at the
shop, so bookmark the page to see more! Life has been extra full with visits from some of my blogging buddies -
Regina from
monster crochet and last night we met
Carla for dinner, so forgive me for being so slow in posting... more to come!