We want to spread the Love here at artstream. We wanted to curate a show about LOVE and give our proceeds to a charity we love and support the artists we love too! So won't you join us?
- We are looking for all artists from around the globe to participate!
- Student artists, professional artists, non traditional media artists, all showing us their idea of LOVE.
- The 2D work does not have to be framed, nor does it have to be in a heart shape. Just show us your artwork about LOVE! Paper arts encouraged!
- The work will be presented in our gallery from Feb. 1st through Feb. 28th and online in our gallery shop from February 10th through the end of the month too!
- Get the word out! Love is here to stay. We will have a gallery opening on February 10th complete with cocktails and chocolate goodies so please mark your calendars if you are nearby.
- Grab a badge here below and cut and paste it into your site to help spread the love!
lovely hearts code
what a great idea!
now i've got to think up some ideas.
clay is good moe!
I may have to submit something for this...
What a great idea!!!! Can't wait for the show.....of hearts.
This is such a great project! I will definitely be submitting some work.
What a lovely idea! Spreading love this way!
What a super idea. I do hope you will be posting the work for those of us far from NH!
yes pinkmohair, all the works will be posted at our online shop as well as nice photos here at the blog too! we want this to be as international as possible and spread the love worldwide! thanks for stopping by!
I wish you the happiest of New Years. Thank you for this wonderful idea!!
I can't wait to contribute something, this sounds like a lovely idea and a positive and happy way to start 2007.
lovely idea susan, good luck with it!
HEllo and Hello again !
I know I am way behind in blogging !
But this weekend I did make a piece to donate to your Lovely Hearts.
Just need your submission info.
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