A quicky update as I have a meetings this afternoon - but I promised to show Ashley Goldbergs new works we just received .... so..... here goes! We opened up Ashley G's new gallery in our shop today with these three stunning 8 x 8 inch canvas originals - "Turn Away", It's a Big World in there, and "She's the good one" They are paintings which have been created over layers and layers of vintage papers wrapped to the back. The matte surface is lovely and the details only hinted at in these photos. Truly beautiful!
The ten (10!!!) tiny orignals will appear tomorrow morning for sale too. Enjoy the day!
The word for the day is ... progress ... as in pilgrims, advancement and moving ahead.
the bottom piece is my fave. and ha, aren't the gilmore girls the best? i also have all 6 seasons on dvd and am glad my sister in bristol is hooked as well and shared the youtube link with me. her daughter zaynah (4 i think?) comes running from anywhere in the house as soon as she hears the music. another addict haha she even knows of a link to watch it live on tv. let me know if you want it, all without cable, just broadband. but with the time difference i'm happy with youtube.
I like the look of those but it is hard to get any sense of the texture and mattness. Sometimes the net can be frusterating to my senses.
What sweet expressions on these baby faces!!
ah yes juju, it is true. they are really really matte and the papers add sort of a line quality all their own on the ground.
hard to capture with a photograph...sigh!
luckily they are spinning their way out of here to homes of their own!
the tiny originals are mostly line drawings so they can be seen more easily.
aaaa more Ashley's
LOVE 'em !
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