from Ullabenulla again and her secret agent in Paris... Florizelle! As seen in a jewelry shop window... sigh! Marie-Helene is the artist and her website is here for more lovliness!
Thanks Ulla for brightening our world! Stay tuned for some AMAZING new work which landed in our hands today from Ashley G! All for sale - originals starting at $15!!! Talk about affordable art? We have that.
oh my, this is gorgeous! such details, really like that. thanks for sharing this great pic and link.
I was gob smacked by those as well!
oh, my! this is gorgeous. ulla is someone i need to check out. her name's been dropped on so many blogs, including yours. will this be available on your fabulous on-line store?
and when, when, oh when can I get your calendar, dear girl?
So glad you like these! I wish I could yeild a pair of scissors with such talent...
I saw these window boxes at Ulla's blog, I wonder if they sale them afterwards?
ah if only we could get them! they are so lovely lovely lovely!
Calendars should be ready to order tomorrow! will post them for sure!
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