February 04, 2011

A busy week!

Rainer's painting of us in Koeln at the Dom for it takes two (2)
Hello! Oops! This week has slipped by without a post - not my normal mode, but so many exceptional things happened this week. First, there was a deadline. It was met and not with a crazed feeling, but more of a completed good feeling.
Then there were snowstorms.
And beautiful daughters winning gold keys for their artwork.
And painting or six to finish.
And classes to teach.
And photos to take. And artwork to encourage along ... and hanging of our new show - more peeks on that around noon


Unknown said...

sounds/looks like you've got it all under control! congratulations to all of you!

Susan Schwake said...

well, it's coming around that way ... thanks for stopping in!

Cally said...

your daughter's artwork looks amazing, so vibrant. I'd be torn between displaying it in the house or wearing it on my clothes or in my hair (in the house of course, with one of my blue 1950's dresses).