Jen Celio in NY
1. Your name? Jen (or Jennifer) Celio
2. What art do you find really exciting right now? large scale semi- representational paintings-full of exuberant brushwork and energetic colors, larger than life. I love to see these paintings in galleries.
3. What sort of day is a good art day for you? When I don't have to do any work on the computer before or after, and I can work all day long until whenever I feel like quitting.
4. Do you like working out of your normal medium? if so what do you play with? Normally I don't. But in the next couple of months I am going to completely switch gears and start painting again. I will probably still draw-we'll see. I plan to do acrylic paintings with a 60's/70's flair to them (!)
5. What are you listening to for music currently? I am really into listening to all of my music on the "shuffle" setting on my iPod-it's fun to go from Aphex Twin to Debussy to Johnny Cash.
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