July 03, 2007

Delphinium Time

Delphinium Time, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Time for a little blog break... my flowers told me to (must weed, must weed!)... Finishing up some big projects which lead into my summer classes. With a clean studio space and loads of fresh sunshine, I must make art whilst the sun shines!
I'll be back next week to update you on the new show, and exciting new works coming our way. Oh yes, and a big surprise swap I will be hosting.
See you soon!


Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Lovely photo.

Anonymous said...

enjoy your break and the sun.

esta sketch said...

the new show looks beaaautiful. and the surprise swap sounds exciting! enjoy your break!

Cally said...

Happy July 4th Susan
Fully agree with you, make art while the sun shines.

Your blog header is what we have instead of sun most day (your header is prettier of course) but today we have had some GLORIOUS sunshine, hot too, I think it's shining over from your neck of the woods.

Lovely delphinium.

Audrey Roy Greenfeld said...

gorgeous shot & flowers, love them.

Todd Camplin said...

I enjoy making art as well and with a little flower to inspire, I am sure you will whip up some good work yourself.

Anonymous said...

Pretty photo Susan.It has a fresh feel.

While I'm commenting, just wanted you to know my blog link is www.sheriburhoe.blogspot.com.The other link is not available anymore and it's coming up dead in your links section :)

Anonymous said...

Have a relaxing break, Susan! And yes, email me when you come down to NYC in August. I'll hop into the city to see you. Fun! Fun!

angela said...


i can't thank you enough for the phone call the other night. it meant the world. it really did. and in your special way, i think it gave me that little push forward. in these small steps. and today is the first time, in months and months and months, that i've been by to say hi. to blog. to write. even if there really aren't many words to find. yet.

but i so fell in love with this photograph. the flowers. and the simplistic beauty of those flowers.

that's one of the things i did today. picked myself some gladiolas. purple. the deepest richest purple.

and i do believe, it's time to take the camera out to play. again.

my loves to you my dear...


Anonymous said...

I like how you play with your words and pictures!

I plan on being back here and look again!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful artist you are preparing for, I cannot wait to see what you will unveil for us!