penelope dullaghan "spy"

ashley goldberg "smartypants"

lisa congdon "tree #4"

flossy-p "three piece"

Lisa Kirkpatrick "bonsai 2"
Today photos instead of words - patching/painting our large space (oh my oh my!) will take precedence over blogging time. Tearing down a most beautiful show is always hard to do. Extreme Textiles was one of our best ever. Thank you to Danny Mansmith, Leigh Pennebaker, Alyssa Ettinger, Kimberly Lyford, and Jeanne McCartain, as well as the viewers who came out of the woodwork to see this exhibition! It really was fun to curate and I am cooking up another textile show for next year already!
We need to spiff up the walls to make way for the amazing artwork which we will install tomorrow. If I haven't bored you to tears already with our excitement - let me just say one more thing ... this is one fantastic exhibition. The combination of work from these women artists just makes you want to go back for more. Photos on Thursday of the gallery. Until then, enjoy the photos and click around here for more information on individual works.
hmmm. I guess I did write more than intended!
Hello! And I wish I could be at the opening.....but, I will be up at the Mt. Washington exhibiting for the Family Support Conference with the most fabulous display that Rainer designed for us.
Congratulations, Susan! Once again I wish I could see the exhibition in person. What terrific work you have up!
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