iris midsummer etching 8"x14"
I have never posted about my dear friend Judith, her beautiful work and multialented skills. Mostly, because it is hard to know where to begin. I will leave out a lot because I don't believe in huge rambling posts and well, her artwork - in all her arenas is 'nuff said'.
Yesterday she stopped by with her sculptures for the Ekphrastic Art Project which opens November 4th. She then handed me a belated birthday present (which you see above) called "Iris midsummer" (an etching which I love), and a a bonus as well -- a beautiful bouquet of rainbow swiss chard from their enormous organic garden. She supplies us with fresh eggs from her hens and vegetable plants each year for our garden. Here are our heirloom tomatoes below -- which we picked before the frost are all becoming ripe indoors now. Judith is a member of the Boston Printmakers Society, and exhibits with us an many other galleries around the USA. Love her, love her work.
The word for the day is ... complete ... as in those Halloween costumes.... ahem.

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