Lael Dalal, emerging artist
I love this hand colored photograph taken by one of my former students, Lael. She has gone off to art school now and heading for big things I imagine!
She was in our "Emerging artists and their Mentors" exhibition last May with this piece and it sold almost immediately! Each year we do this for NH and ME and northern MA high school juniors and seniors. The work is stunning, sells well and allows young students to go through the prospectus/jury process of a gallery. Why do we do this? Because I would have liked that when I was in high school. Because I believe in young people's art. Because both children and young adults have made art that belongs on gallery walls and not just the refrigerator door! Come see what the newest, freshest, hip minds have to say this May 12, 2006 from 5:30 -7:30 at artstream!
The word for the day is ... shine ... like the sun, your fairy wand and the toes of your shoes!
Shine...for the past month the sun was shining so brightly that I had enough of sun. It was cloudy today so the sun didnt shine :*) EHehEHEH
oh susan...
one of the many things i adore about you. all that you do for art and the artists.
and i adore this photograph as well. i think in her self portrait, she captures something about the girl in all of us. the one we sometimes feel we've left behind... but if we take that magic wand in our hands again, we'll find her.
because she's always there. maybe just waiting for that moment to shine.
so inspiring to find this photograph and read these words on a day like today.
yes, i find this most inspiring as well. she was a little girl when she came to classes then again when she was a little older. then in high school she had marvelous teachers and now off to art school. wow of course, this makes me really old!
haha hahaaa!
I'm with ya on this one with whole heart! My daughter (13) has been a part of my art group that shows regularly. We put her work in the shows, her name on the card, she goes to the openings and she feels like the true artist she is. It's really important.
Thank you for all that you do. I believe in young artists too.
I love this!
The Tart
oh wow. love that self portrait so much...:)
I happened upon this blog and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Lael Dalal's self portrait! We were penpals a few years ago. Since then I have moved and we unfortunately lost touch, but I remember Lael including some of her drawings in letters she wrote me and I think it's amazing that she's at art school now. Way to go, Lael!
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