The Art of Coffee and other table still life ... (more to come)
I guess you could call me a fanatic about coffee. I like it pressed, not perked, I like it with milk, not cream, I like to make little drawings in my sketch book at the table, and I like my collection of coffee spoons in their pressed glass container.
I like our little piggy salt shaker watching me draw.
What do you like with your coffee?
The word of the day is ... delight ... as in the little things in life, the art of living, and that twinkle in that special someone's eye.
1 comment:
i would so love to have coffee with you. yes, me, the other coffee queen.
and i like to have my morning coffee at the kitchen table [and in the summer, sitting out on the terrace... looking out over the fields] and that's when i write my lists.
the lists of what to do. or my wish lists. writing down what i would like to happen or come by way on that day.
that's when coffee tastes best. then and with a good friend and conversation... simply called "coffee sessions".
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